Vol 4.

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Prologue: Normal...?

As usual, I ate breakfast peacefully in my condo unit and got myself ready to go out.

Mapua was still in the middle of repairs so I thought of buying a few groceries for dinner later as I will most likely be in [Harus] for the rest of the day.

I locked the door behind me and I began to make way downstairs.

After going out of the building, I turned right in the direction of the nearby mall. At first, I thought of just riding a taxi but since this was one of the rare occasions that I actually go out, I decided to walk instead.

As I walk, I hear the people around me talking about [World Gate Online], [White Knight], and a few other related topics.

Nobody knows I'm the [White Knight] that seemed to have become a celebrity already and they also don't know that I am the [White Haired Adventurer Lucas].

Though some tried to give me second glances, probably to confirm I'm a different person, they ignored me soon enough since I gave an anti-social kind of atmosphere. The type where I could make others think that I-won't-reply-even-if-you-talk-to-me kind of thing.

Well, I couldn't care less that they don't know it was me. Heck, I'm grateful that they didn't know.

Once, I tried walking while in [White Haired Adventurer Lucas] mode for patrolling and I was immediately flooded with people.

People who kept talking like they'll die if they didn't talk to me. Seriously, what a pain...how do normal celebrities even go out of their houses? I honestly admire them.....how they can withstand crowds like that...

I think I was even touched in weird places...it got to the point where I have to use [Dragon's Wrath] to silence them...even though I told myself not to use it anymore....

Anyway, I'm in [Earth Lucas] mode so it's safe. Walking is safe.

My trip to the mall passed by normally, that's right. Normal.

Everything is absolutely normal...except...

"Ah- oww...." (Old Lady)

I hear an old lady's voice from behind me seemingly in pain.

When I looked over, I see she tripped herself but no one seemed to be helping her.

Well, I guess that's just how people are nowadays. Since the old lady seemed to be a beggar, no one thought of even helping.

Maybe they're just cautious that they believe she has an accomplice that will snatch their belongings once they helped her, or maybe they just don't care, I don't know.

Honestly, if I had been the same Lucas as I was before I entered [Harus]...I might've done the same.

But now I'm different.

It's not because I'm a [Hero] now. No, that is the [White Knight's] job.

What I meant as different is this...

"Can you stand up?" (Lucas)

"A-ah, thank you..." (Old Lady)

I stretched my hand towards the fallen old lady that seemed to have sprained her left foot.

As the old lady touched my hand, a faint green light poured from my hand towards her and healed her foot which made her surprised.

I only gave her a wry smile and placed my index finger to my lips as if to say it's a secret.

She seemed to have understood so she nodded. After that, I left as is.

I have no further obligation to help her apart from that.

The only reason why I healed her is because I can and I was there. That's all there is to it.

Apart from that, everything is normal...

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