Chapter 7: Danger?

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Chapter 7: Danger?

"So, what kind of training are we going to do?" (Lucas)

"First, I'm going to teach you how to walk." (Pierre)


...Damn, am I in one of those TV shows where they prank people?

What, is this whole [Slime Style] really a joke!?

"Haha, what's with that face? You have that look like you've just discovered you were pranked." (Pierre)

"So I was!?" (Lucas)

"Haha, of course not. Now start walking~" (Pierre)

Is this guy serious!?

Ughh, fine...let's just get this over with...

I sighed deeply and began to walk.

["Pft- wait, you're seriously doing it?"] (Warren)

Oh shut it Warren.

I ignored Warren who seemed to be trying to stop himself from laughing.

"Stop, wrong wrong wrong wrong." (Pierre)

"Hah? I'm walking aren't I?" (Lucas)

"Yes, but it's sloppy. From now on, walk with even steps." (Pierre)

Even steps?

"If you want to learn the [Slime Style], then you should start to develop a habit of walking with even lengths, even sounds, even force, every movement in your body should and must be the same. Even the volume of your voice, your breathing, or the way you blink. Everything should be in concert with your pulse." (Pierre)

Unusually, Pierre started to talk seriously and without that over exaggerated tone.

But that brought me to another question.

"Then why were you speaking like that earlier?" (Lucas)

"Because I'm a clown~" (Pierre)

.........This bastard...

Whatever, let's try it.

I started walking while attempting to have the same tempo.

Even though he said it like it was easy...actually doing it is another matter.

"Your breathing isn't even." (Pierre)

"Yeah well, I'm trying to take it one step at a time alright?" (Lucas)

"That won't do~" (Pierre)

Ughh, fine.

Breathe in...step...breathe

Fuck, this is annoying!

This continued for five hours! And every time, Pierre would say my balance is uneven, my step is uneven, my force is uneven...and every time I talk back, he starts saying that my voice is uneven!

Annoying...this is too damn annoying!

Now I know why he didn't want another student...because he knows, that 99% of them will give up anyway!

And I really want to give up! I seriously want to!

But my desire to be stronger is keeping me from doing so.

At first, I was still confused on what is the point of all of this, then I realized, that with this method, my DEX goes up fast!

Pierre explained that with a high DEX, dodging with a hair's breadth or piercing accurately can be attained.

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