Chapter 1: Hero

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Chapter 1: Hero

Let's turn back time.

After suddenly being summoned by Lucas, Freya did her best to comply with his order and protected his mother and the other students.

"Please come this way m-mother......."

Being embarrassed on calling Lucas' mother as mother as well, she quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her in a safe place.

"Everyone! Please don't panic! Lucas will definitely defeat him!"

Though the surrounding students are still bewildered, they knew that she can give them safe protection so they complied and moved towards her.

"[Water Pillar]!"

While moving about, Freya used her magic to extinguish the fires that were in the way.

"W-who...are you?"

Lucas' mother asked from behind her.

"A-ah, I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Freya Draculae Lytton. L-Lucas' sl...fami....wif.............friend...."

Being confused as to what to call herself, Freya stuttered until she finally settled with being Lucas' friend.

"A-anyway, please trust me. I'm told to keep you safe together with everyone."

Students began to gather around her for protection.

"H-hey, her name's Freya she said."

"Yeah...the one in the TV. The vampire Princess."

"Then the white haired person over there is..."

"Lucas! The White Haired Adventurer!"

Since almost all the student body knew of the game [World Gate Online], they all naturally knew the hottest topic of all.

Also, the event yesterday was all over the news about how Lucas managed to reveal the King's corruption as well as his attempt in assassinating the Queen and the Prince.

Starting as pure-blooded vampires is also thanks to him proving his innocence so it's no wonder if there isn't anyone who hardly knew him.

"...But how come he's in real life...the Princess as well."

"They're using magic too."

"...Did Lucas discover a way to transfer worlds? Some kind of skill?"

"Then that fire bastard also knew that skill?"

"...Or is this what they call mass I dreaming?"

"I wish. Then I want a kiss from the vampire Princess."

When one student tried to move towards Freya, she inadvertently used her skill.

"K-kyaa! [Dragon's Roar]!"


Using [Dragon's Roar] as she shouted made the student flinch in fear.

"Idiot, you just saw she used a skill while extinguishing the flames and you're sexual harassing her?"

While comforted by the fact that they're safe around Freya, they began to make such conversations without tension.

"U-umm...can someone please explain to me what's happening?"

Feeling left out, Lucas' mother asked everyone since they seemed to have accepted what's happening as reality.

"? Oh, are you a student's mother?...Or a professor? Anyway, heard about [World Gate Online]?"

"Y-yes...apparently my son plays it without my knowing..."

"Oh, then get this. There's this one player that's famous all around the world! He even had his movie a few days ago!"

"A gamer? Worldwide famous? And has a movie? Is that even possible?"

To Lucas' mother, such a thing is impossible.

To her, being a gamer has no future at all and will only cause trouble to everyone around him.

"Please don't look down on gamers. They're not always lame, or unsociable, or whatever terrible things your imagining. Try watching this fight and see for yourself."

"...But what does this situation has anything to do with a game?"

"That's what we want to know too. How these characters are now in real life."

The other students also nodded and Freya just tilted her head not understanding what they were talking about.

"But you see the white haired guy? He's the one I was talking about earlier."

"T-the one who has a movie? Worldwide famous? H-how?"

Now, Lucas' mother is even more confused.

To think that her own son is that famous without her knowing...she can only be confused as to why and how such a thing happened.

"I'm telling you to watch the movie...but that doesn't explain why he's famous worldwide. You see, there's this event recently. And Lucas, he, was at the very center of it. After completing a quest no one can ever think about, he made a ripple. He started something. Something that even affected every country there is."

"He made his name known throughout the world."

Another person added.

It would seem that they were all praising him.

"I know how you feel. I was in [Drachedge] when it happened and guess what!? I was one of the players that chose to help them escape! Because of that, I got +100 popularity with the vampires! Haha, the Prince also just announced where the village of the vampires are. Within 3 days, I'll be doing exclusive quests already!"

"Tch- should've stayed in [Drachedge], right now, that village you just said is still the only known village where vampires reside right?"

"Ugghh damn! You get to see the sexy vampires before me!"

Right now, the students are talking to themselves in excitement about the event which left both Freya and Lucas' mother dumbfounded.

"E-eh? So you say that people from other races would start visiting our village? That's no good, we haven't prepared to welcome guests yet...and it's otherworlders like Lucas..."

"I-it's fine Princess! There's no need to get out of your way to welcome us! We're fine with being welcomed with your smiles!"

"You have pretty boys as well right!? Smiles are definitely fine with us too! Rather, your father looks dreamy..."

Freya was being barraged by their questions and suggestions while Lucas' mother can only watch them in daze.

Then, she shifted her gaze to Lucas who was still fighting the other player.

"It's really like a fantasy..."

Looking at Lucas' opponent with bright red name floating on top of him as well as the winds, water, and fire magics that came out of nowhere...she was forced to believe that this is now reality.

The reality her son lives.

She herself was a member of the anti-virtual world faction that were rallying to stop the production of these virtual reality games so she was hurt when she found out her own son plays them.

He's already in 2nd year collage and still plays a game, of course she would be worried about her son's future.

Also, in the virtual world where they learn and practice how to kill, she was also worried that it may affect her son somehow but watching him fight now, she can't be more proud.

Right now, he is fighting for their sakes.

The other students also spoke fondly of him.

"I must definitely watch that movie together with him later. We'll bring his two younger siblings as well."

They were a family of five. A father, a mother, a male elder brother, of which is Lucas, a younger male brother, and another younger sister.

While smiling as she imagines the scene where they would all watch together, her ear picked up on the other student's conversation.

"Princess Freya, that ring you're wearing...are you perhaps engaged?"

One of the female students asked to the silver haired young lady who helped them.

Looking closely, she was wearing a golden ring on her left ring finger.

"E-eh!? A-ah!...T-t-that is....umm....uuuu......."

Not sure how to answer, she kept glancing at her ring and towards the battle.

No, it wasn't the battle that she's looking.

It was Lucas.

"...Don't tell me my son..."

Lucas' mother concentrated her eyes towards Lucas' hand. Since he held the sword on his right arm, the left arm doesn't move a lot and there, a golden light was repeatedly being reflected from his finger.

It was the same golden ring.

"Kyaaaa! So that's how it is! The Hero that saved the Princess and lived happily ever after! I wish my Hero would come as well!"

"Kyaaaaa! It must be nice. Being with the person that only believed in you till the end when nobody else did and saved you from the treacherous King!"

"M-men! T-there's still many pure-blooded vampires out there that needed to be saved! No matter what, we will find them all and save them!"

"Let's save them!!!"

"I-it's nothing like that! N-not like that at all! Uuuu..."

Though Freya tried to refute, her voice sounded small and was lacking confidence.

Truthfully, she still did not understand what she feels towards Lucas.

Seeing this, Lucas' mother just nodded as if coming to an understanding and patted Freya's shoulder.

"Freya...was it? My son may have a few...complications, but I'll be leaving him in your care."

"F-fuee!? Y-yes!?!?"

Freya, whose mind cannot catch up, let out a weird sound and answered vaguely.

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