Chapter 4: Renovations 101

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Chapter 4: Renovations

By the time I went back to my house with Trask and Bram, almost everyone I knew is already there waiting for us to start the party.

By everyone I mean my family and friends, Freya's family, Aleris' family, Eu's close friend Mare, Steph's family, Aeran and some Dorvilles and monsters I previously tamed, Denneth in human form, the Prince...err, he's King now, there's also the Archbishop, and my subordinates in [Watervilet], Pierre, Lily, Pearce, and some people I know in the [IDEA] company before, my uncle, Lin, Mei, and the rest from [Zoulang] that I was acquainted, heck, somehow, Misty is also here...Blaire, Davy, and the supreme highgods are also here, and finally, the [Gatekeepers] that I, wait. Mii is also here...Hm? Where's Momo?

Well, knowing that girl, she probably has a ridiculous reason for not being here. There shouldn't be anything to worry about. I can also sense her with my [Bonds of Connection] so she's definitely alive.

Oh? Vil and Fen are...oi, how did those two became slim fit so fast!?

They're completely like the way they were before. Heck, they even became sexier than before! What kind of sorcery is this!?

Eh...maybe there is a kind of magic that reduces weight immediately.

Whatever, let's not think about this. By the way, we're not exactly inside the house, but rather, on the open field near my house. How do you expect to fit everyone inside the house?

There weren't any surprise fireworks or confettis. Well, since I already knew they were all here anyway, it's hard to surprise me so they didn't bother.

The party started.

Freya and I casted [Silent Room] to encompass everyone since the party was too loud.

There were a lot of merry making.

Friendly fights among friends.

Singing and dancing.

Drinking and shouting.

It was fun.

Too bad Momo couldn't come. I bet that girl will fit right in this kind of mood.

As for Mii...we talked for a bit. Just some hello and how are you doing and some small talks...she's still mostly quiet and frankly, I have no idea what to do with her.

I talked to Denneth about finally ending the demi-vampires after I deal with a minor situation...El, if you're here, I wonder if you'll like this atmosphere? Heh, knowing her, she'll probably say it's noisy and complain but still enjoy it...

Warren showed up at some point...where the hell has this guy been?

I asked but he only vaguely answered so I let it be. If he didn't want to say, then I won't force him.

The party ended with everyone drop dead on the ground...not! A simple detox magic from the Archbishop instantly sobered everyone up like they never went to a party. Magic was also used to remove the smell of alcohol and convenient...

Everyone went their separate ways while the girls stayed behind...of course, there's only one reason why...

And no, not all girls. I meant my girls...oi, what are you still doing here Misty!?

She kept saying that adding one more wouldn't hurt anyone and wanted to stay for the seems everyone already knows her wanton ways and knew that she didn't specifically have any feelings for me so we somehow drove her out.

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