Chapter 3: Mt. Neibelheim

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Chapter 3: Mt. Neibelheim

After the Mapua incident, Lucas' friends went straight home.

Some still shaken, some afraid, some were motivated to get stronger.

And it wasn't only Zeal and Lowy that were pumped up to catch up to Lucas, Gavin and Kanin were as well.

They logged in immediately to the world of [World Gate Online], no, to the world called [Harus].

The two reappeared inside a town a few or so kilometers north of [Drachedge] that they were at before logging out.

The town was called [Materia], which is found beside a huge mountain which houses higher level monsters compared to the [Slimes] or [Wolves] in the outskirts of [Drachedge].

They arrived here 14 [Harus] days after leaving [Drachedge] and have settled for 3 more days until now.

The two have grown stronger compared to when they were having a hard time with the [Young Bear] and has gotten a bit of fame.

"Ah, there they are! The Beauty and the Beast!"

" long are they going to call us that? And just who're you calling beast dammit!?" (Geeves)

"Oi, I'm supposed to be the Beauty?" (Rice)

That's right, as Geeves has a girly appearance, many had made a mistake of seeing him as a girl, though as for him noticing this is yet to happen.

On the other hand, the werebeast Rice has an appearance of a good looking guy plus the wolf ears and canine teeth which made him a target for girls as well.

Though, sometimes, the [Beauty] doesn't always refer to Geeves nor does the [Beast] always to Rice. Why? Because one can say that Rice is a cool beauty as well and the violent Geeves was the beast.

Hence, they were only called [The Beauty and the Beast] when they're together.

Anyway, the two decided to grind their levels to catch up to Lucas so Geeves went to a tavern to gather informations and quests they can accept while Rice went to the marketplace to gather ingredients for travel.

Rice noticed that there was a shortage of food and supplies which made the prices higher so he asked what had happened. Turns out that there has been rampaging monsters from the nearby mountain that kept raiding the farms and storage houses.

Though they had asked many adventurers, they can only stop the raiding from happening so not everything has been lost, but every day, the raid kept happening and happening which resulted to the adventurers resupplying again and again until it turned out like this.

"When did this started?" (Rice)

"The night 3 days ago."

It was the time where the two had most likely logged out and thus, missed the chance to see it start.

After resupplying and gritting his teeth because of the overpriced foods and supplies, Rice went to meet up with Geeves.

It seems that Geeves had also heard about the monster raids and waited for Rice so they can enlist with the other adventurers for the quest to find the source which was given by the city's lord.

"Are you sure you want to join them?" (Rice)

"Well, it's a quest right?" (Geeves)

"Think about it. Look how many these guys are. If we join, we can't get stronger. In fact, I think we'll be weaker since we'll be relying on numbers instead of individual power." (Rice)

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