Welcome to the Competition[Chapter 11]

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I don't know if it was pure luck or what but I didn't see Fitz at all in school. I thought for sure I would see him at lunch but I didn't. I didn't see Clare, Eli or Adam at lunch either. Luckily I had lunch with Fiona again today. Holly J wasn't with us but another girl named Anya. She was incredibly nice.

It was the end of the school day and I was walking in the hallways alone. I heard pleading but wasn't sure where it was coming from till I heard a crash. Someone was thrown into the door shattering the glass. I heard the moaning of the person on the ground and noticed it was Adam. I gasped and sprinted to his side kneeling down.

"Adam. What happened?" I was worried for him. He looked hurt.

"Emilia get out of here," he said and I looked at him confused till someone grabbed onto the back of my shirt and pulled me up.

"Hey!" I shout ready to punch someone till I saw that it was Fitz. I jaw dropped and my body felt like it shut down. I quickly looked down at Adam as he tried to force himself up. Fitz kicked him back down. "Leave him alone," I screamed and Fitz laughed at me. The next thing I knew someone had their arms around my waist.

"You mean leave her alone," he snorted. I looked back at Adam but Fitz put his hand on my neck.

I had no choice but to look at him. He had a black eye and I knew that was because of when I punching him yesterday.

"Let me go," I say strongly. He tightened his hold around my neck making it harder to breathe. I closed my eyes trying to ignore how hard it was getting to breathe.

"You have no only messed with the wrong person but you have gotten yourself in the worst mess ever. As long as you hang around those freaks, you will never own up to who you really could be in this school," he hissed and let go of my neck. "If you tell your little boyfriend Eli about this tell him to not even bother coming after me," he spat then the person holding my waist let go of me. I stumbled forward and quickly grabbed for Adam's hand. I pulled him up then we both ran down the hall.

We just ran not caring. We wanted to get out of there. I had tears in my eyes. I was terrified, but I didn't want to tell Eli about this. I hated how Fitz called Eli my boyfriend. I felt like that was the only reason he was being such an ass to me.

As we ran Adam was texting someone and pulled me to a stairwell. Drew was waiting there and we stopped running.

The three of us sat down on the stairs and Adam told Drew what happened. I found out that Adam was, a girl.

Drew stood up and started heading to the door that led outside. "No one messes with my family," he growled and stormed out of the school. Adam stood up and hurried after him pulling me along.

"Drew stop. Don't do anything," Adam called after him but Drew ignored him and threw his backpack to the ground. Fitz and his friends were already outside. Drew went right up to Fitz getting in his face.

"Don't ever touch my brother," Drew hissed and Fitz laughed.

"Don't you mean sister?" Fitz smirked and Drew pushed him.

"Drew!" Adam shouted and tried to break them apart when one of Fitz's friends grabbed onto him and held him down.

Drew and Fitz started to fight each other and Drew didn't look like he was doing to good. I started to panic and wanted to stop all this but didn't know how. Fitz pushed Drew down into a fence. I threw my bag on the ground then took off one of my converses and threw it at Fitz. It hit him in the head.

When he turned around I froze. I shouldn't have done that but I couldn't help myself.

"Don't touch her!" Adam yelled. I looked at him quickly then grabbed my bag. Fitz stepped slowly toward me. I panic and ran. I ran past him and grabbed my shoe. He ran after me but I tried my hardest to out run him. I looked behind me then crashed into someone falling over.

I lied on the ground motionless. Eli looked down at me; he was the person I crashed into. I started to breathe heavily making myself dizzy. Eli looked away from me then left my side. I head a smacking noise. I ignored it pulling on my shoe as quickly as I could.

"Emilia what happened?" it was Clare.

I looked at her and she helped me to my feet. "Fitz found out Adam's secret and tried to beat him up. When Drew found out he wanted to kill Fitz. Fitz wants to kill me Clare," I say quickly and her eyes grow wide.

Clare and I stared at each other. We both were terrified. Her face just showed worry. A thudding noise made us look away from each other and to see that Drew had tackled Fitz to the ground. Eli then ran to Adam and fought the guy holding him away. He grabbed Adam's hand and pulled him over to us.

"We're leaving, now!" Eli growled. His lip mouth was covered in blood and it was my entire fault. "Clare and Adam go in Emilia's car. It will get you out of here faster than my hearse." Eli ordered and we all started to run toward the parking lot. When we got to the cars Eli grabbed my arm a little too forcefully. "Is your dad home?" he asked me.

"No he has work till 7," I say and he lets go of me going over to his car.

"Take them to your house. I will follow," he said and started his hearse. Clare and Adam got in my mustang and we headed off to my house. I hit 80 in seconds. I didn't care about speeding right now. I just wanted to get away from this school.

Welcome To The Competition [Degrassi FF]Where stories live. Discover now