2 = boys

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i walked out of the theater with the corey's and jason as we made our way around the block for our cars. watching the lost boys and seeing a new character in it, let alone myself, is definitely something i'd never thought to experience in a million years.

"so how'd you like it? your first premiere?" corey feldman asked.

"it was fun." i smiled and then stopped when i realized there were only two cars parked along side the road.

jason got into his car.

"thought you said you wanted to come over to my place afterwards with us?" corey h looked at me as he opened the car door.

"oh, yeah. i do." i said and then got into the back seat. we began to drive off and i looked out the window seeing how everything looked so different than it does now. i felt like i was living in an 80s movie that revolved around teenager's lives.

"i'm surprised you wanted to come with us and not jason." corey f laughed as he sat passengers seat.

"what do you mean?"

"i mean, i thought for sure you'd want to do whatever you two do when you're alone at night."

"oh." i laughed, "what do you know?" i was trying to find out for myself what we had done.

"hey, all we know is that after hanging out for weeks, you were all cozied up in his car making out and shit."

"that's all?" i laughed.

"that's what i'm guessing." he shrugged.

"great." i sighed. but on the inside i felt like a nervous wreck.

we pulled into the driveway of corey's house. he must've lived closed to the venue we were at. we said hi to his mom and then made our way downstairs while corey went up to his room to get me some clothes to change into since i didn't bring any - obviously.

"so what do you guys do after a night out down here?" i asked as i scoped out the downstairs before sitting on his black leather couch.

"watch tv, talk about girls, drink some of this." he smiled, holding up a case of beers that he grabbed out of the fridge.

he tossed me one right when corey came downstairs with a t shirt and sweatpants. "these are pretty small on me so they might fit you better." he smiled and then handed them to me.

"thanks. where should i-"

"there's a bathroom right there." he pointed to the door.

i walked in and closed the door behind me and then took off my heels. i looked at myself in the mirror. none of my features are different, not even my voice. i just have a different name and a different life, i guess. after about five minutes of sitting on the cold, tile floor on the verge of a mental breakdown, i stripped out of my dress and into his clothes before walking out.

i opened the beer and then sat on the couch with them as they flipped through the tv trying to find something to watch. we decided on growing pains. i got excited seeing leonardo dicaprio and told them it was a good choice.

"you like leonardo dicaprio? isn't he too young for you?" corey f laughed and i almost spit out my drink.

"well, what how old is he exactly?"

"thirteen or something."

i shrugged, "he's got potential, i can see it."

i started to think of the fact that all the 80s boys i've seen in movies are much younger now. they'd be exactly around my age instead of being 50 or something.

"so, do you guys like the movie the outsiders?" i questioned.

"yeah, it's pretty good." corey h said and corey f nodded in agreement.

"you ever meet any of them?"

"no, but there was a poster of rob lowe in my room for the lost boys, so that should be close enough." corey h laughed and i giggled remembering seeing it in some of the scenes.

"well i really wanna meet them." i said and looked at the tv.

"maybe we can become friends with some of them or something." corey h shrugged.

"maybe we should become friends with everyone."

i saw the two of them turn to look at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"you know ... because, why not?" i questioned.

"trust me, brandy. you'll still make it as an actress even if you aren't in the loop with everyone else." haim laughed a little.

what he said was absolutely true, but honestly i just wanted to meet everyone because i now had the advantage to. and you don't get that advantage everyday three decades into the future.


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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 , 𝟖𝟎𝐬Where stories live. Discover now