45 = 1 dead

250 12 3


naomi's point of view

"you know, this is terrible for my mental health." i said, buckling up in jason's car as we neared the highway.

"i promised kennedy i'd get you back to her."

"okay, but driving like a maniac on the highway every other day trying to get into an accident is insane! it's like you're kidnapping me and playing russian roulette with all the cars."

"i'm not kidnapping you!" jason said, merging into a lane, "you get in this car with full consent each time."

i rolled my eyes, feeling the speed we were going at push me against my seat. "you're lucky you haven't gotten yourself killed doing this."

"well the aim is to have the crash on your side." jason teasingly smirked.

"god, what did i do to end up in this exact moment of my life?" i muttered to myself, closing my eyes.

jason drove like a race car driver who had three glasses of bourbon. that's the only way i can put it. for the past two weeks we've been playing with fate trying to get into an accident, only killing me. it sounds absolutely absurd, but i suppose only time travelers would understand.

"if we get the cops called on us again i'm jumping out of the car and dipping!" i felt like i needed to yell from the adrenaline rushing through me.

"dipping? i thought only kennedy used weird slang with me but you too?"

"get over it! you should be used to it by now."

"there's a semi truck up there." jason stated while simultaneously pressing his foot harder on the gas pedal.

"great, just the way i wanna go. death by semi truck."



kennedy's point of view

who would've thought waking up out of a coma i was in for a month would land me, jason patric, and corey feldman on ellen degeneres. i guess the headlines of me being called "the mandela girl" are getting around fast and they thought it'd be a good idea to invite me to a talk show to speak on my experience.

i wiped my sweaty palms on my dress as we left the stage. ellen's introducing line, "a seventeen year old girl who after falling into a coma claims she time traveled to the year 1987. as crazy as that sounds, she has living proof of it, please welcome kennedy white, jason patric, and corey feldman!" is the last thing i can fully recall after blacking out from nerves as i walked onto the stage in front a live audience.

"kennedy, you need to check twitter." was the first thing my mom said to me once we found her backstage.

"i was just on live tv. what could be so importan-" my mom held her phone in front of my face. the title at the top of her screen made me stop my sentence short.


jason and corey stood at both my sides, reading the title as well. i took the phone from my moms hand and looked at the date, 9/18/87.

it was jason and naomi. their car crashed into a truck on the 405.

"she died?" jason asked, i looked up at him.

"this means she should be awake." i looked at the three of them who stood around me, "i woke up from my coma as soon as i died in the car crash! it wasn't even a minute later, let's go!" i motioned for them to follow me out of the building.

jason, corey and i ran through the halls of the hospital to naomi's room. we were met with her parents walking towards us.

"she's awake?" i asked, out of breath once they noticed me.

naomi's mom, crystal, furrowed her eyebrows at me, "no, sweetie. who told you that?"

i stopped in my tracks and my smile faded, "she's not awake?"

her parents looked at each other sad and confusedly.

"we were just about to go get some lunch from the cafeteria." tom, naomi's father said, placing his hands on his wife's shoulders, "you're welcome to sit with her in there."

i nodded my head.

"hi." i heard jason and corey both awkwardly say to them as they began to make their way past us.

"is that corey feldman?" crystal whispered to tom as they headed down the other way of the hall.

"is it weird that we're here?" jason asked me as i turned around to face them.

i shook my head, "no? you guys practically know naomi as a friend now."

"yeah, from our lucid ass dreams." feldman chuckled to himself. the door opened and the nurse stepped outside, giving us a smile. it was now time to go in so the three of us did.

upon entering naomi's room, i felt a shiver go up my spine. the sound of her ventilator breathing for her was the only noise i could focus on. her eyes were closed and she looked lifeless in that bed.

"i don't understand why i woke up seconds later and she hasn't yet." i said quietly.

"maybe it's just delayed for some reason. maybe she'll wake up in a few minutes!" jason smiled, trying to make me feel better.

i shrugged, "maybe ... let's sit with her and see."

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 , 𝟖𝟎𝐬Where stories live. Discover now