50 = party girl

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the sound of rain pelting against my window woke me up from my nap in a cold sweat. i jolted upwards, taking in my surroundings. i was in bed, in my room.

my heart was pounding out of my chest as i took a deep breath in, crashing my back against the pillows once again.

naomi's funeral was earlier today and i still have a headache from bawling my eyes out the entire time.

the dream i just awoke from was still vivid in my mind. it was corey haim, and he was at naomi's funeral with me. it felt so real as if he was really there.

too bad it was just a dream. and too bad my real life isn't a dream.

my bedroom door squeaked open a crack and my mom's head poked in.

"oh, i didn't know you were awake. i came to check on you."

i sighed, turning over to my stomach.

"i'm awake." i mumbled into my pillow, "sadly."

i felt the weight of my mom sitting on the edge of my bed. "i'm so sorry, sweetie."

"i don't know what to do with myself. i don't even feel like me anymore after everything's that happen." i turned over to look at her, "i don't know how to live normally."

she gave me a soft smile, "you should be a teenager. have fun, go shopping, go to parties. with other teenagers. not 30 year old men." she cracked a smile, talking about her walking in the house the other night i had jason, corey, and jake over.

she was very confused, but didn't even question it.

"harry told me about a party that's happening this friday, but i don't know." i shrugged.

"you should go! you missed your birthday in your coma, i think a party would be fun for you."

"oh, i had a birthday party in my 80s coma." i said, zoning out at the wall across the room. i thought back to drinking the spiked punch with naomi, having a secret meeting with jake, and ditching with jason to cry and have sex.

i snapped myself out of my thoughts and looked back to my mom.

"you had a birthday party? your birthday carried over in your time travel?" she seemed utterly confused yet very interested.

"yeah." i laughed, "it wasn't that great, i had a mental breakdown that night."

she shook her head, "i feel so bad you were in a coma during your birthday. i cried for two weeks straight over it."

"hey, don't worry about it. you bought me ice cream cake when i got out of the hospital to make up for it." i smiled and she pulled me into a hug.



"mom! harry's here." i called out as i ran down the steps.

"okay! have fun and be careful, please. i love you!"

"i love you too!" i said while walking out the front door and running to harry's jeep.

the minute i buckled into the passengers seat i said, "if tonight turns out to be shitty i will never forgive you for talking me in to going."

harrison chuckled, pulling out of my driveway, "relax, ken. it's a halloween party, how can it not be fun?"

"you never told me it's a halloween party!" i exclaimed, taking notice of the fake blood on his torn white shirt and face for the first time.

"oops, sorry. i thought you knew."

i groaned, "it's only the third."

"hey! it's never too early to start celebrating halloween."


we pulled up to the party in about twenty minutes, and a bunch of people were already there. i walked next to harry as we entered the house.

he immediately went straight for his friends who were standing in a huddle around the alcohol bottles in the kitchen.

i watched as they all dapped each other up, doing their bro thing. since harry wrestles, most of his friend group is also on the wrestling team.

"what's up, kennedy? how are you?" brandon king, second tallest out of all them, asked me.

"i'm alright." i shrugged.

"what're you supposed to be?" he smirked, checking out my outfit.

i looked down at my cheetah print slip-dress.
"myself, i guess."

"you could say you're brandy alexander." another guy spoke up, laughing at the joke he made.

"ha-ha, very funny." i sarcastically replied.

"you know you're almost at 1 million on instagram?" he asked and eyes almost popped out my head.


"yeah! like, 980k or something, last time i checked." he said, scrolling on his phone.

"you didn't know?" harry asked, confusedly.

"no! i've barely gone on any social media in weeks. if i do, all i see are paparazzi pics of me or articles and dm's questioning what happened." i unlocked my phone, going straight to instagram to see, and sure enough my following went up from about 2,000 to almost 1 mill.

i couldn't believe my eyes. the exposure of my time travel must be crazier than i ever thought. i got stuck for a minute checking everything on my account until my surroundings sounded much quieter.

i looked up to see harrison and his friends all ditched me. i sighed, making eye contact with the liquor beside me.

i picked up a bottle and made myself a vodka cranberry. grabbing my red solo cup, i ventured off into the rest of the house on my own. mostly everyone here goes to my school, but i didn't bother to pick out anyone i know. instead, i found a semi quiet area in the living room and stood against the wall with my drink.

i couldn't stop replaying my vivid dream involving corey haim i had the other night. not to mention naomi was on my mind as well.

i just hope the vodka-cran can help numb my anxious thoughts and tapping fingers even just for the night.

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 , 𝟖𝟎𝐬Where stories live. Discover now