44 = that makes fame, kid

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"she was in your dreams too?" jason asked feldman as we sat at the barstools in his kitchen.

"yeah! practically every night for the past month or so." corey said over the shaking of the cocktail mixer he held in his hands.

my fingers were pressed against my temples as i refused to look up at either of them, "i'm in a fever dream."

"what?" jason asked me.

"i must be in another coma. maybe i just dreamt i woke up from my coma and i'm actually still in it."

jason's hands grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face him, "you're not in a coma!"

i blinked several times whilst looking into jason's eyes. the sound of ice falling into a glass made us turn to look at corey. he was pouring a light pink liquid into a glass.

"would you like a drink?"

"it's three in the afternoon."

"i'm definitely in a coma!" i whined, getting out of my seat to aimlessly pace around corey's kitchen, "corey feldman is day drinking and jason patric is denying alcoholism ... in corey feldman's house. i'm in a coma-"

"kennedy, shut up and sit down. you're not in a coma anymore." jason chuckled to himself.

"here, you need to calm down." corey slid me his drink across the counter.

"i'm underage!"

"from what i can recall, that didn't stop you in my 80s dreams."

our words sounded very wrong, but i knew he meant i was drinking during my accidental time travel. our words did however, make me cringe from another matter.

"oh my god, you've seen my boobs." i said, looking over at jason. a laugh erupted from corey's throat before jason answered,

"does that make me a pedophile?"

"shut up!"

"you're thinking too much, kid!" corey shook his head, "listen, all you've gotta know is that yes, you were in my dreams. do i understand why you mysteriously time traveled into our pasts while in a coma? no. do i think it's weird but also very cool? yes."

"that's it?" i asked, while mindlessly sipping on the alcoholic beverage in front of me.

"yes, that's it! just enjoy it. you experienced a crazy phenomenon almost everyone wishes could happen to them, and you were famous in it. now you're awake and alive and you're famous here too." corey smiled, mixing himself another drink since i did in fact take the first one.

"i'm not famous, i'm just all over social media's and everyone's confused."

"that makes fame, kiddo."

i furrowed my eyebrows, thinking over if what he said was actually true.

"but naomi." i frowned, "she's still not back. she's still in her coma." a few seconds of silence passed until i looked up at jason, who's eyes were closed and it looked like he was concentrating really hard on something.

"what are you doing?" i asked.

"trying to communicate to my 80s self to get naomi into a car accident so she wakes up."

"it doesn't work like that!" i shoved his arm and he opened his eyes.

"well, then how does it work? is there just a younger version of myself living in an alternate universe right now? that i can't communicate to?"

"i think so, yeah." i quickly nodded my head.

jason sighed, placing his chin in his hands, "maybe i do need a drink."

corey smirked, grabbing the cocktail mixer, "as you wish."


thank you sooo much for all the support on this story so far <3 i appreciate it so much, i love writing this book and seeing anyone who enjoys reading it feels so good :))

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 , 𝟖𝟎𝐬Where stories live. Discover now