41 = broke the internet

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i was told to rest and take it easy once i got home from being in the hospital. but that's not easy when your own life has turned into an example of the mandela effect. it was trending on twitter, youtube, snapchat stories, fuck, even facebook.

the mandela effect refers to a situation in which a large mass of people believe that an event occurred when it did not. my days at home were going fine until i saw the name BRANDY ALEXANDER trending number one on twitter.

anyone who clicked it was brought to pages upon pages of articles and old interviews of me, dated 1987. it's like every single magazine or newspaper article, every single interview that was recorded on camera of me, resurfaced. but they weren't recently posted since the date read 1987. it's like they just appeared.

i felt like a maniac trying to read what everyone had to say about it. everyone was confused, everyone was saying the same thing. they don't remember an actress named brandy alexander in the movie the lost boys, but if you streamed it on netflix right now, there i'd be, playing the role of heather.

"kennedy, this makes no sense to me. you're telling me during the time you were in your coma, you were dreaming you were a famous celebrity in the 80s?" my mom asked as we sat in the dining room.

i didn't look up from my phone as i read articles online about it, "no! it wasn't a dream! it was real."

"but how can that happen? you think you actually time-travelled?"

"does this look like a dream?" i turned my phone, showing her a picture of me, the corey's and jason on the red carpet of the lost boys premiere.

my mom sighed in defeat.

"take the most vivid dream you've ever had ... you know how it feels so real? you can actually feel things, like you're really there?" i tried to explain to her and she nodded, "but it's a dream. well multiply that by a billion and that's where i was. everyone was living their lives as normal but naomi and i just plopped down, confused as shit. but it was real!"

"i don't understand how that can work." my mom shook her head in deep thought.

"i told you it was jason who hit us!"

"that part makes sense, it's just the time travel part? in a coma?"

"i know, i don't get it either."

"let me go get my glasses so i can read this." my mom said, getting up from the table.

i continued scrolling down on twitter until a video clip caught my eye. i tapped it, bringing it to full screen. it was naomi and corey haim talking to someone on the other side of the camera.

"we are all so heartbroken to hear about your friend brandy. you two were in the car accident with her?"

corey and naomi nodded, "so was corey feldman and jason patric." haim explained.

"that's so awful. i'm so sorry for your loss."

"she was a great person who deserved many good things. one of those people you meet once in a lifetime, you know?" i watched as corey frowned.

"i just know i'll see her again. she's my bestfriend ... i'll see her soon." naomi looked dead into the camera. i swiped out of the video and a crazy thought entered my head.

i went to my photos and looked at the last picture i'd taken. the photos of medical records with jason's number and address listed.

i quickly jumped up from seat and ran upstairs to my room to grab my shoes.

"mom! i'm gonna head out somewhere."

i heard her footsteps approaching my room, "where?" she peeked her head around my door.

"uh, santa monica."

"santa monica? why?"

"i'm phoning a friend." i pulled the knot on my shoe laces and stood up.

"what does that mean, kennedy?"

"nothing, i'll be back!" i said running down the stairs.

"you shouldn't be driving!"

"mom, i'm fine. it's not like i have a concussion."

"yeah, a coma instead."

i sighed, "it's like a twenty minute drive. i'll text you, okay?"

my mom crossed her arms over her chest, "be very careful and keep me updated please."

"i will! i love you bye!"


this story is so fun to write omg

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 , 𝟖𝟎𝐬Where stories live. Discover now