11 = exploitation

579 23 42

MONDAY,  AUGUST 3rd, 1987

brandy's point of view

today was the day of the cast interviews and as i sat in a black leather chair and watched the camera lens zoom in on my face, i was thankful i did some research on myself last night so i knew how to answer any questions that came up regarding my past.

"shall we start?" monica, the interviewer asked me.

i nodded with a smile.

"we are here in los angeles, california with brandy alexander, how are you doing today?"

"i'm very good, thank you." i smiled again.

"your first ever role in a movie was in this movie, the lost boys, yes?"


"were you excited, nervous ... about having the lost boys your first ever movie to star in?"

"i was excited." i nodded.

"you play heather who is a friend of the frog brothers and you help kill the group of vampires who invaded the emerson's house. how is this character like you? or different?"

"well, heather is a very ... almost geeky type of girl, you know, reading comics on killing vampires and having a survival kit. but she's also a badass and isn't afraid to get dirty and loves all the action. i'd say i'd fall in to the loving all of the action part of her." i nodded.

"if you could play any other character in the movie, who would it be?"

i let out a sigh as i thought for a second, "honestly, i'd play star. i think it'd be really cool to play the only girl vampire in a group of all boy vampires."

"what is your relationship with jason patric, if you don't mind me asking. there's been a lot of talk and i think right now would be the best time to clear it up."

my conversation with jason on the phone last night went through my mind on what to say, "jason and i are really close friends. i will admit some things got a little messy between us and jami but we are just very good friends."

"would you ever consider dating jason? whether it be now or in a couple years?" monica asked.

"i think i could definitely see myself with him. i mean he's a great guy, but if we were to ever date it would most likely be in the future."

"is that because of the age difference?" she smiled and then looked at the camera and lighting crew and then back at me, "would you wait until you are eighteen so things can be legal?"

my mouth was left agape as i tried to find the answer to such a personal and awkward question.

"well, i ... i don't think that's the top priority on my list." i skeptically said and looked over at michael for reassurance. he was shaking his head at monica and i could tell he wanted to stop her from asking me any further questions about this topic.

"but it's definitely on your list for if you two dated?"

i couldn't believe my ears. who asks about a sixteen year olds sex life? on an interview that would go on television for the whole world to see?

i laughed a little and made direct eye contact with her, "you know what? yeah ... yeah it is top priority on my list. i would just love to fuck him."

she looked taken back and that's when michael stood up and was waving his hands in the air.

"okay cut! cut! brandy." he motioned for me to come towards him, "that's enough for now, thank you." he told them and then walked me out into the hallway.

"what she is saying is totally inappropriate, i know, but what are you doing saying those things out loud!" he immediately yelled once the door was closed behind us.

"she got me mad! why would she ask me in an interview if i'm holding back from dating jason just so that if we have sex it isn't illegal?"

"some people in this industry will want to tear you down. but that doesn't mean you can go throwing around the f-word when you're on film!"

"okay, so they can cut that part! no big deal!"

he sighed as he looked down at me, "you're fiery, kid. i think they should have enough footage from you so why don't you head on out of here, alright?"

i sighed with a nod and walked out of the building angry and slouched in embarrassment.

"hey." someone grabbed my shoulder as i walked outside. i looked up from my feet, "hey jason."

"is everything okay? how'd it go?"

"i told her what we agreed on saying but she just kept pushing. you gotta big storm coming." i shook my head and laughed.

"what does that mean!" jason called out as i walked toward my car.

"you'll find out once you get in there!"


"she really asked you about your sex life in an interview?" aunt maggie asked whilst we sat down for dinner.

i nodded as i took a sip of my water, "she did! i was completely shook."

"well what did you say?"

i narrowed my eyes and wrinkled my nose, probably looking guilty as ever since aunt maggie gave me a stern look, "what did you do, brandy?"

"i kind of ... sarcastically went along with it and told her that we were waiting until i was eighteen because i definitely wanted to have sex with him?" i didn't mean for it to come out as a question, but it did.

"those were your exact words?"

"no, not exactly. from what i can recall it was a little more vulgar."

an amused, loud laugh erupted from her throat causing me to jump a bit.

"that's my girl! how did she react?"

"she didn't say anything. her eyes were just almost popping out of her head."

she continued to laugh and i felt relieved she was such an easy going person with a good humor.


poor brandy can't do anything right in this industry :/

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 , 𝟖𝟎𝐬Where stories live. Discover now