23 = dead or alive

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brandy's point of view

i woke up the next morning to the sound of my aunt getting ready for work down the hall. i must've not moved at all last as i was in the same position i lied down in, on my stomach and not even under my bed covers.

every single memory from yesterday came flowing into my mind. i tried to block the thoughts out as i sat up. the sun was coming through my window and it seemed like it was a really nice day out today.

i checked the clock on my nightstand - 7:45 am.

there was a light knock on my door before my aunt opened it.

"oh good, you're up." she smiled but then her face quickly dropped once she looked at me longer.

"are you okay, honey?" she walked over to me and placed the back of her hand on my forehead.

"yeah. fine." i tiredly mumbled.

"did everything go okay yesterday? by the time i came home last night you were already asleep." she said, clutching her purse by her side.

"it was a rough day on set." that's one way to put it.

"i'll call into school for you, hows that? get some rest and just relax okay? you've been working really hard." she gave me a sympathetic smile.

"thanks aunt maggie."

she nodded, "i'm headin' to work, call me if you need me! love ya!"

"love you too." i faked a half smile as she walked out of my room.

jason's point of view

i sat on the edge of my bed staring at my phone on my nightstand. the debate in my head was constant on if i should call brandy or let her reach out to me first.

i was never good at these types of things. i'm always the one that worries about the other person far more than i think they worry about me.

i rubbed my fidgety hands on my pants and then picked up the phone.

it rang three times before she picked up, "naomi i already told-"

"it's jason." i cut her off.

"oh, sorry. na- i mean kayla ... she called me three times already because i'm not in school but i told her she can come over after-"

i ignored the confusing names she was throwing out there and asked, "you're home today?"

"yeah." she said quietly.

"look i'm gonna be honest, brandy ... i was just debating on calling you for the last 30 minutes since i woke up because i didn't know if you'd even want to talk to anyone."

she was quiet on the other end. "i-i just wanted to check in on you."

"i'm sorry for crying in your car yesterday. i didn't mean to make you worry about me..."

"don't apologize." i shook my head as if she could see me, "i care about you. a lot. i don't like seeing you hurt and i just wanted to let you know that i'm here for you."

"thank you, jason. really ... i appreciate it."

"of course."

there was silence for a few seconds before she changed the subject, "what're you doing today?"

"i've got some errands to run but that's all really."

"well i'll be home all day if you wanna call me whenever." i could hear a smile in her voice.

"will do."

brandy's point of view

after school naomi came over to my house immediately. she said she couldn't do another day of school without me and needed to see me as soon as possible.

i kept the mood high for a little while til we made it up to my room ... then i decided i wanted to tell someone about last night.

and so i did. i watched naomi's facial expressions go from worried, to seriously upset, to straight up pissed.

"the cops. now." she stood up from my floor as we sat on the side of my bed closest to the window.

"no!" i begged, looking up at her.

"why the hell not, ken?"

"i don't really wanna press charges on a man thirty years in the past."

she sighed and sat down again.

"it's all so confusing. i was really starting to think maybe we're dead and ended up in an alternate universe after the car accident, but the pain i'm feeling right now is too real to be dead!"

"exactly! so let's go to the fucking police!" she whined.

"naomi, i'm saying i think we're definitely in a coma."

"will you stop putting together conspiracy theories on our time travel here and focus on the main issue?"

"no! because if we're in a coma then it's not real after all. we can still wake up and none of this bullshit like getting raped will even be real in our actual lives."

"kennedy how many people do you think experience sexual assault in a coma?!" her words made me shut up at think.

she intertwined her fingers and looked me dead in they eye, "we're here. we're in the year 1987. i don't know how, and i don't know why, but we have a big issue on our hands that we need to tend to. whether it be real or not, whether we're dead or alive, i believe justice for rape is something that'll cross over the lines of alternate universes."

and for once ... the girl had a point.

it's been another whole month since my last update !! yay i'm v good at this - note sarcasm.
but the plot will be picking up now v soon :)

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 , 𝟖𝟎𝐬Where stories live. Discover now