24 = ditching swayze for dempsey

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a long quarantine update :)
(trigger warning! - mentions drug abuse)

SUNDAY, AUGUST 23rd 1987
brandy's point of view

tomorrow marks a week of the day it happened. naomi and i didn't go to the police. i told her i needed to cope and work it through before going to any officials about it.

little did i know that coping and working it through would end up being the xannies i found in my aunts bedroom.

also might not have been a good night to take another 1mg as i'm now sheepishly walking on the sidewalk in heels to a movie premiere.

dirty dancing came out on friday and that sentence is very weird to say. the premiere was at the cannes film festival but now they're having a small viewing tonight in los angeles for it.

of course jason is my date tonight and of course we have to walk the red carpet.

interviewers and paparazzi were yelling out questions to us and asking us to pose in a certain way for the cameras.

jason's point of view

i watched attentively as brandy answered interviewer's questions as they held microphones to her lips.

something seemed off with her tonight but i couldn't figure out what exactly.

once we finally finished the red carpet, we headed to the theater to watch the film. we were the only ones walking down the very long hallway that looked like a hallway in an office building. i'm almost positive almost everyone was already seated in front of the big screen and we were very late.

"do you smoke?" i asked brandy. she quickly looked to me, "smoke what?"


"no, you know i don't like it." she laughed a little, "why?"

"just wondering ..."

there was a water fountain behind the wall in the hallway that faced a random room. brandy stopped there to get a sip of water.

"do you think it'd be bad if we ditched the rest of this thing?" i asked her as she wiped her mouth after drinking from the fountain.

"no, it's not our movie." she shrugged.

"so do you wanna go do something a little more fun?"

"what do you have in mind?" she raised an eyebrow.

"i heard there's a concert going on tonight about thirty minutes away from here. i don't know who's playing but we could sneak in."

brandy smirked, "i like the sound of that."


after forty minutes in LA traffic, brandy and i arrived to the bar that the band was playing at. we payed our taxi driver and then ran across the fairly empty street.

it was around 8pm and the sun was completely down. a cool breeze blew through the late august warmth.

"if it's in a bar don't you think anyone can walk in?" brandy asked once we made it to the sidewalk.

i shrugged and opened the door only to be met with a very buff man who said, "sorry, over-capacity."

i closed the door and faced brandy, "we're resorting to the original plan."

she laughed, "how are we gonna do that?"

i checked out the building while heading around the the side. brandy followed close behind.

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