43 = reunion

231 13 1

kennedy's point of view

i just finished up sending a text to mom before resuming my focus back on jason. we decided to head out to urth cafe for some lunch, and were just finishing up our meal.

"do you think everyone else like corey feldman and your manager all had dreams like i did?" jason asked before sipping his drink.

"fuck, maybe? i thought maybe you were just having those dreams as a punishment for crashing into naomi and i." i laughed, "like we were haunting you in your sleep."

"how sweet of you." he said sarcastically. based off the fact we both experienced a weird time travel phenomenon with each other over the past month, nothing was awkward between us. it's felt like we've known each other forever, even though he was now thirty some years older than me.

"do you think we could ask them?"

"you wanna go track them down and ask if they saw you in their dreams?" he chuckled.

"it's what i did to you, isn't it?" i raised an eyebrow, "look at us now. bonding over sandwiches and smoothies."

"we gotta go."

"yeah, i know. do you know where they liv-"

"no, we have to go." he said a bit louder, pointing out the window. it was a swarm of paparazzi gathered outside of the restaurant and their cameras were facing us.

"what the hell! i thought i was only famous in my 80s coma!"

"hey, i'm kinda famous still." he said with a tone of hurt in his voice.

"eh, you did kinda peak in your 20s." jason's jaw dropped, "hey, those are your words. not mine." i held up my hands in defense.

"yeah, yeah. come on." he stood up, throwing cash on the table.

i followed jason as he asked a waitress if we could leave through a back door. she took notice of the paparazzi outside and lead us to a door in the back of the kitchen. outside, it opened up to the parking lot. jason and quickly got into his car.

"they're here for you?" i asked, turning to look out the back window at the paparazzi as we drove away.

"for you."

i furrowed my eyebrows, looking over at him.

"haven't you seen the videos and photos online of us? it's making headlines. no one understands how a girl, supposedly a teenager in 1987, is now in 2018 ... and looks exactly the same."

i shook my head in disbelief at what my life is all of a sudden.

"where are we going?"

"you wanted to go find corey feldman, right?" he smirked.


"i'm amazed at your sleuthing skills." jason said as we pulled into corey's driveway.

"i just looked him up on white pages and found the one that matched his info the most." i shrugged, turning my phone off.

"well, he's home." jason put his car in park while looking at the other car in the driveway that must be corey's.

we hopped out of the car and made our way up to his front door.

"when was the last time you saw him?"

"years ago." jason shook his head while pressing the doorbell.

i looked up at my surroundings. his house was big and very pretty. i was quite terrified in the moment to be doing this. i really didn't wanna seem crazy, coming to the corey feldman's house and questioning him on if he's had any weird dreams recently. the whole thing just sounded insane.

the front door opened and we were met with corey standing on the other side. his face went from confusion to joy in seconds seeing jason.

"jason patric?" corey boasted, "what the hell, man?" he pulled him in for a hug.

i stood beside jason, watching as they reunited.

"i know i'm just showing up unannounced but ..." jason pulled away from the hug and motioned towards me.

corey's eyes met mine before looking me up and down, "holy fucking shit."

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 , 𝟖𝟎𝐬Where stories live. Discover now