16 = birthday girl

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brandy's point of view

we were a good hour into my birthday party that is taking place in a random club in west hollywood, and the chaos was only just beginning.

naomi and i sneaked off into a corner of the room and sat behind a leather couch, hiding from everyone as we drank the entire bowl of punch that we spiked ourselves.

"i am so happy you were able to steal some alcohol from your parents." i said while scooping more punch from the bowl into my cup.

"my fake parents." naomi rolled her eyes.

i shrugged and continued to drink.

"oh, i forgot to tell you, i invited jake here tonight."

"school jake?" i asked and she nodded.

"is this a thing? you two?" i smirked.

"no! we just clicked as friends really fast."

naomi and jake told me the story of how they met one day last week during lunch. she was aimlessly walking around the school lost as can be and ended up walking into the ballet room where jake was doing chaînés turns and the door hit him and he fell straight on to his ass.

she leaned closer to me and whispered, "we're having a meeting tonight."

i furrowed my eyebrows, "a meeting?"

she nodded yes, "us three. i may or may not have told him that we time travelled here-"

"naomi!" my eyes went wide.

"just hear me out! i told him about what happened to us and he's really into that sort of stuff and he wants to try and help us figure it out so we can get back!" naomi was tipsy, i could tell.

and as if on cue, jason's tall body appeared over the couch staring down at us with the most confused look on his face. i don't blame him though, finding the birthday girl and her bestfriend hiding behind a couch with a big bowl of spiked punch sitting on the floor in between them is definitely a sight to see.

"um ... someone named jake is here. he's asking for you two."

i wiped the excess of the pink liquid from my lips and nodded before standing up. my legs felt wobbly, the alcohol was doing its thing for sure.

"hey." jason grabbed my shoulder lightly as naomi walked off in front of me to find jake, "you okay?"

"yeah, why?" i smoothed my hands over my red slip dress.

"just checking. i mean you were hiding behind a sofa at your birthday party so ..."

i giggled a bit, "yeah, i'm fine. but i have a meeting to attend." i said quickly and left jason standing there alone probably wondering why i am always so mysterious.

poor guy probably thinks i'm playing games. really, i'm just stuck in the wrong decade for god knows how long.

naomi pulled jake and i into an unoccupied room. the loud music and everyone's conversations were now muffled through the walls.

"happy birthday!" jake pulled me into a hug.

"thank you." i smiled at him and then the three of us took a seat on the floor.

"alright, so should we just get into it?" jake asked, his curly blonde hair fell ever so slightly over his eyes.

jake was like the definition of an 80s e-boy. yet he was pretty nerdy and also a danseur.

naomi and i exchanged looks and then nodded.

"i'm gonna need you two to tell me exactly what you remember from the time of the car accident to waking up here."

"okay so, we were going through an intersection and some idiot slammed into my side of the car. everything went black, i just remember seeing glass everywhere and the color from the traffic lights and then i guess i blacked out."

"yeah same, my ears were ringing and then it all went black." naomi sighed.

"and when you woke up?" jake asked.

"i woke up on the red carpet at the lost boys premiere. cameras were flashing everywhere and jason and the corey's told me i passed out. but that was the first time i was seeing any of that."

"i woke up in a bed with two adults standing next to me. they said i passed out too and apparently they're my parents. i've never met them before though. it's like we time traveled and took over the lives of people that are only existing now."

"what do you mean now?" jake asked.

"i mean, in 2018, there was never an actress named brandy alexander who was in the lost boys. and i guess there's no way of telling if there was ever a kayla bennett considering i'm just an average girl who goes to high school and isn't famous. it's like this is an alternate universe of the year 1987."

jake hummed to himself as he thought over what we just told him, "did anything significant happen during the car crash that you remember? do you remember thinking of something from the year 1987?"

i shook my head and let out a sigh.

"what about like a song from the 80s or something?"

and then it hit me right in my chest. naomi and i were playing "dream a little dream of me" and so was the car who hit us.

"dream a little dream of me!" i yelled out, grabbing naomi's arm, "doris day!"

she looked at me, eyes wide, trying to remember.

"we were playing it and as soon as the car hit us, i could hear it coming from their car too. both our windows must've been down. we must've coincidentally started the song at the exact same time because i could hear the lyrics match up at the same time."

"oh my god." naomi said.

"but that song's really old. it's not an 80s song." jake shook his head.

"well maybe it's not only the song that caused it but who was driving the other car ..."

"well that's gonna be hard to find out who it was now." naomi rolled her eyes.

there was a knock on the door just then, our attention flew over to it. it opened slightly and there stood jason once again, peeking his head in with a smile, "time to blow out your candles."


are the hints subtle enough? they should be ;)


𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 , 𝟖𝟎𝐬Where stories live. Discover now