46 = partner in crime

222 11 4


school started on the 5th, the day i woke up from my coma and i wasn't cleared until now to attend my first day. it's my senior year and what a way to begin it.

i sat in my last period study hall with my earbuds in listening to my soundcloud playlist. being able to have my phone in school is definitely a plus since i was so deprived of it in 80s school. actually, having a phone, period, is just a plus nowadays after what i went through.

"kennedy!" i heard my name over my music. i looked up and took an earbud out seeing harrison kelley waving his hand in front of my face.

"i've been trying to get your attention for like the last minute." he chuckled, taking a seat next to me.

"oh, sorry." i said, pausing my music.

"i was gonna ask you how your summer was but i think we've all heard about it on the news already." he said, pulling his grey hoodie up over his head.

i met harrison in third grade when the class bully pushed his head down on the desk with full force because he was talking to me. the bully had a crush on me and was jealous of harry and i talking during snack time. so in his defense, i sprayed my juice box all over the mean kid.

harrison had a lump on his forehead for weeks and i lost recess time. long story short, that was his first concussion and the last time i ever used fruit punch as a weapon.

"yeah," i sighed, leaning back in my seat, "my summer was like a movie, an unbelievable shit-show of a movie."

harrison laughed while tugging at the strings of his hoodie. "what about yours?" i asked.

"i met a girl. she goes to a different school, but we really hit it off."

"ooooh." i teased, smiling.

"but she's been cheating on me."

"oh." i abruptly said, dropping my smile from my face.

"so i have a plan and you're helping me with it."

"me?" i asked.

harry leaned in closer to me, looking around to make sure no one could hear him, "tonight we're gonna spray paint her car, maybe pop a tire or two, and i've got a jumbo box of condoms we're gonna dump on her windshield."

"why do you have a jumbo box of condoms?"

he ignored my question, "so are you in or not?"

"kelley!" a teacher's voice yelled from the front of the room, "you're not supposed to be in here!"

harrison quickly looked at me again, "are you?"

"why can't we just egg her house? t-p it?"

"there's no fun in toilet paper or eggs!" he whisper-yelled.

i rolled my eyes as the teacher marched her way closer to us, "fine, i'm in."

"yes! thank you!" he smiled, getting up out of his chair.

"hood down, harrison. and go back to class."

"i'll scoop you at 11 tonight!" harry said, ignoring the teacher before quickly running out of the auditorium.


it was nearing 11 pm and as i waited for harrison's car to pull up to my house, i got an instagram dm notification.

i opened it and was met with a message from an account named jakemcdonald71 that read,

hi, this might be super weird but it's worth a shot. correct me if i'm wrong but you're the girl who was in a coma and supposedly time traveled right? well i've been having dreams of you. not anymore but like a few weeks ago i was. i saw you on ellen with jason patric and corey feldman and they said they saw you in their dreams too. just wanted to ask .. was there a jake in your time travel coma?

only two words are continuously being said in my head right now, and those two words are holy fuck.

i clicked on his profile to see his pictures. it was definitely jake and this guy aged like fine wine.

text message - harry kelley : i'm here

i sprung out of bed and flicked off my lights before carefully climbing out of my window onto the lower roof. from there i jumped onto the grass and ran around the side of the yard to harry's car.

"hello partner in crime." harrison smirked as i buckled up in the passengers seat.

i sighed, "let's get this thing over with. where does this hoe live?"

"san fernando valley."

"that's deep, harry!"

"no it's not, it's only like 20 minutes!"

i muttered, "whatever." under my breath as we drove down my street.

"can you say that again?" he asked after a few seconds of silence.

"say what?" i looked over at him. he had a smirk on his face and i knew what he meant. i lightly smacked him in the arm, "you're gross for that. keep your eyes on the road, playboy."


ooo dirty jokes so funny ha ha ha

thank you for 3k !!! omg

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 , 𝟖𝟎𝐬Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang