20 = green beans

354 19 11

FRIDAY, AUGUST 14th 1987

brandy's point of view

over the span of the last four days i've been spending more time with naomi after having my mental breakdown in the schools bathroom. we've basically had our own therapy sessions everyday after school to talk about what the hell we're gonna do since i informed her about the "stuck in a time loop" physics lecture i had on monday.

naomi wants to go back to 2018 ... but just not as much as i do. she seems to be having more fun and just enjoying it like it's some sort of great dream, while i'm over here freaking out every single day.

speaking of, i was currently in the passengers seat of michael's car as he drove us to the set of license to drive for my call time which was in 20 minutes.

i saw michael take a double look over at me through my peripheral vision.

"will you stop hitting your head against the window? you're gonna give yourself a concussion, or even worse, damage my window."

i rolled my eyes and stopped repeatedly tapping my head on the glass.

"why're you so nervous, brandy? you've done this before and you did great in the entire movie of the lost boys."

oh, i don't know, only for the sole reason that i wasn't presently here for any of the filming of the lost boys and have absolutely no idea how to professionally act!

"i don't know." i mumbled.

"i actually think this is a great opportunity for you. i mean, you're with the corey's again so things will be comfortable. plus, have you read the script? your character is pretty much passed out for the entire movie." michael cracked a smile as we pulled into the parking garage.

"of course i've read the script, you called me every day reminding me to." i giggled, "i just wanna do good at it, that's all."

"you will, kid."


four hours into the day and we have only shot the opening scene. it could partially be my fault though as i kept laughing during takes because i couldn't take corey seriously as were in a car chase with a school bus.

it was lunch now and i stood in line at the buffet table with a plate in my hands. my eyes grazing the food, mentally deciding what looked appetizing to me. i picked out a piece of grilled chicken and some salad.

"don't eat the green beans." haim whispered to me, i didn't even realize he was standing next to me.

"why not?"

"i heard if you eat them, they turn your internal organs green for the rest of your life."

i let out a laugh and played into his sarcasm, "really? and how do you know this?"

"it happened to one of the janitors that works here before a couple years ago. he was standing around, cleaning up whatever mess hair and makeup made and snatched some of the green beans when no one was around. the man never had a normal kidney again."

"god, that sounds horrible." i watched as corey reached the spoon into the bowl of green beans and scooped one up.

"i know." he said and then tossed the green bean into his mouth.

i giggled and lightly shoved his arm, "you're funny, haim."

he smiled, leading me away from the table so we could go eat, "not as funny as you, alexander. keep making me laugh during scenes and we'll never get this movie done."

"i'm sorry! your character just has funny dreams, i guess."

"yeah yeah." he smiled and rolled his eyes, "i'm happy we're in another movie together. it's fun when you're actually friends with the people you work with."

i smiled back at him, "yeah, it is fun."


we wrapped at 3pm, a seven hour work day. i was tired but i also had fun. it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.

everyone was happy we got the first day of shooting done and it went well. i had just returned my outfit to wardrobe and changed into my clothes when michael spotted me from down the hall.

"hey! good work today, sweetie." he called out to me.

"thank you." i smiled at him.

"see? you were so nervous this morning for nothing! and that's how the rest of the days will go too."

"yeah, i hope you're right."

he rolled his eyes while smiling and patted me softly on my back, "how's school going? keeping your grades up?"

"yeah for the most part." i teased.

"alright, good. i'll meet you in the car, okay?"

i nodded and he handed me the keys.

as i neared the doors to leave i saw the corey's talking with greg, the director.

i didn't get to talk to feldman much today since he had a later call time than haim and i, so i stood in the doorway waiting for them.

"i'll see you two on monday, nice work today." greg shook hands with them before picking up some stack of papers and heading directly towards me.

before he left the room, i didn't get a "nice work" or even a greeting. just a smug, annoyed face directly at me.

what a sleaze.

"brandy! what's up, what're your plans after this?" feldman asked me.

"nothing really, michael's taking me home and then i don't know what i'm doing tonight."

they started to walk outside into the parking garage with me, "well we're going to this party tonight in the valley if you wanna come ... like around 9ish." feldman said.

i shrugged, "sure, i'll come."

"you can invite kayla and jake if you want. they're pretty chill." haim said.

"you just want kayla to come because you think she's hot."

haim elbowed feldman in the gut which made him let out a groan, "no i just wanna talk to her more you know? because we were talking ... at ... brandy's birthday party."

i raised an eyebrow and feldman mocked corey by pretending to stutter and then said, "yeah okay buddy, sure you just wanna talk with her. i got you."

haim shot him a glare and i giggled, "i'll ask them if they wanna come, don't worry."

i jogged the rest of the three parking spaces to michael's car and unlocked it.

"thank you! i'll call you tonight and we can all meet up." haim said while being dragged away by feldman to get to their car.

"sounds good!"

"bye brandy!"

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 , 𝟖𝟎𝐬Where stories live. Discover now