4 = roofies talk

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i sat with my legs up on the stool in front of me as i listened to jason intensively while i ate my orange.
he sat on the third stool in front of me.

"this is your first big party in hollywood as a child actress and i just want to tell you everything that will happen or that could happen, okay?"

i nodded.

"well first, there's going to be drugs. lots of drugs, lots of scary big drugs. people will offer them to you, everyone accepts them. second, they might be drugs that really mess you up and you could end up in big trouble with someone you don't want to be with."

"what like they give me a roofies and rape me?" i asked.

"a roofies?"

"yeah, a date-rape drug."

"oh. well, yeah that sums it up. just- don't go with anyone who looks seedy. and almost everyone looks seedy."

i giggled, "do you consider yourself to be seedy?"

"no." he said slowly, rubbing his hands on his jeans.


"third, corresponding to the roop- roof-"

"roofies." i reminded him.

"roofies. uh, older guys, maybe even women will most likely try to get you alone tonight."

i scrunched up my face, "what the hell is this, an orgy party we are going to?"

"no!" he laughed, "it's just what happens nowadays, i guess."

"well that's great. i mean, not really but you know what i mean. thank you for filling me in."

"no problem." he sighed.

"will you be with me the whole night?"

jason paused for a second, "do you want me to be with you the whole night?"

i shrugged, "maybe it could help me from getting drugged. they'll think we're already drugged up with each other considering the age and height difference."

"sure, of course." he smiled.

i got up to throw out the rind of my orange and looked out the window at all the trees and large houses that belonged to my neighbors.

"do you ever feel lost? like, you don't belong somewhere but you're just there anyway, living amongst the others who know exactly what they're doing?" i asked, relating to my situation.

"some times." i heard jason say from behind me.

i sighed and turned back around, "will jami be there tonight?" i asked sarcastically.

"yeah, pretty sure. hopefully she doesn't try to get me alone." he said looking down at the counter.

"why would she try that? did you make a dick appointment with her or something?"

his eyes quickly shot up to mine. "a dick appointment?" he seemed amused.

i nodded.

"you curse a lot for a young girl."

"i don't count the word dick as a curse word, i mean, sure it might be inappropriate if you're around, let's say, old people, but other than that." i shrugged, "i'd say its pg-13."

he shook his head with a smile, "you've been different recently. and so recently i mean since last night."

i gulped knowing last night was the night i ended up here.

"l-like what?" i tried to play it cool.

"you're talking different, a sort of ... slang if you will. you just seem different. i like it." he smiled, getting up and walking closer to me.

"oh, well maybe you just never payed much attention to me before to notice, because i'm pretty sure i've always talked the same."

jason placed his hands on my arms lightly and pushed me against the refrigerator.

"no, i've always noticed you. since day one we met." he said before connecting his lips to mine.


oof !!!!

don't forget to vote :')

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 , 𝟖𝟎𝐬Where stories live. Discover now