47 = vandalism

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once we arrived at harrison's cheating girlfriend's house, he made me hop the fence to their driveway. i complained the whole time, saying i didn't sign up for this, but he didn't care.

"okay, keep low. they have motion sensor lights." he whispered.

we walked with our legs bent to her black mercedes.

"here, i'll do the dirty work." he handed me the box of condoms. i looked down in the already opened box to see all the wrappers had been discarded.

"you opened all," i looked at the front of the box, "36 condoms?!"

"i had to plan ahead! i thought it'd make tonight easier." he whispered to me while shaking a can of spray paint.

i scrunched my nose up as i reached down to grab one as harry begin spray painting the word cheater on the side of the car.

"there's lubricant all over my hands!" i whisper-yelled in disgust.

"jesus christ, ken. i'll do it." he sighed, grabbing the box out of my hands.

that one, tiny, movement made him knock his backpack over, which then led to a bottle of spray paint rolling away and further down the driveway.

"shit!" i watched as harry tried to reach for it but that only caused the motion sensor lights to go off.

i felt my heart beating out of my chest as who i'm assuming is his ex-girlfriend, opened her window from her bedroom to look down at us.

harrison and i stood still in our awkward positions like deer in headlights.

i watched her head turn more to her car, putting two and two together. "YOU SON OF A BITCH HARRISON! I'M CALLING THE COPS!" she yelled from the second story of her house.

"fuck!" harry scrambled to pick up all his belongings so we could book it out of here. i made a hasty decision of removing her gas cap and putting the one condom in the tank.

not much of a rebel move, but she'll definitely be surprised to see it next time she gets gas.

i followed harry back over the fence and down the road of her gated neighborhood.

"you don't think she's really calling the cops, right?" i asked as we ran downhill.

"i don't know but i don't wanna be here to find out!"

once we got around the gate we had to run down the street to his car we left parked there since he couldn't remember the code to get in to the neighborhood. 

as soon as we turned the corner, we were met with red and blue lights rolling towards us.

i felt my stomach drop as i stood behind harry as if that would make me invisible from the cop who was stepping out of his car.

"wow, he got here fast." harry whispered to me.

"hey guys." the cop said as he slowly walked towards us, "what're we up to tonight?"

"just going for a late night walk." harrison confidently answered, "nothing illegal."

the cop was silhouetted from the police lights behind him but i could still make out his eyes looking at harry's sides.

"you sure about that?" he pointed to the bottle of spray paint in harry's left hand.

"i got a call from a girl saying two teenagers were vandalizing her car." he took a step closer to us, "can i see some I.D?"

harry and i sighed at the same time as we got our licenses out to hand to him.

"so what was it? spray paint? slashing of tires?" he asked as looked over harry's license.

"actually i didn't get to the tire slashing." harry said and i nudged him in his side, "so what do we get a ticket? a warning?"

the cop shrugged, "depending on the amount of property loss, could be $2,500 or $5,000 in fines. 90 days to 2 years in jail-"

"sir, i swear all i did was put a condom in her gas tank." i held up my hands.

his eyes flicked up and down from me to my license, "aren't you that mandela girl?"

i blew air through my nose, "yup."

he nodded his head, "why don't the two of you come take a seat in the back of my car?"

harry and i looked at each other before obliging and following the police man to his car. i could finally see his name tag on his chest, wilson, officer wilson. i began to question where i've heard that before. it sounded all too familiar.

he told us he was taking us down to the station and we'd have to call a parent or guardian once we arrive. fear was the only thing i could feel at the moment - especially when he started asking me a bunch of questions about my time travel experience.

"so what caused it? the time travel?" he asked as harry and i sat behind the cage that separated us from him.

"i-i was in a coma."

"from a car accident, right?" he asked.

"yeah." i answered, feeling the car start to move faster.

"that's just so fascinating." the cop said as he turned the radio on, increasing the volume.

harry and i nervously looked at each other.

"um, why're we going so fast?" harry asked. i took notice of the speedometer, we were nearing 80.

"i just wanna see." the cop said, "i've always been interested in time travel. not to mention the fact that i had a dream not too long ago with a girl in it who looks identical to you."

the second he said that, it hit me. drew wilson - he was the cop who ran the stop sign, almost hitting jake, naomi, and i on our way to that party in the valley. the one who chased us to the house and i got him to come inside and play kiss and blow.

"oh my god ... he's gonna kill us. he's literally gonna kill us!" harrison exclaimed, knocking me out of my thoughts.


"he wants to see if you'll time travel again." harry said to me, eyes wide in panic.

i quickly looked to the cop in the rear view mirror, "sir, i promise you it's not gonna happen to me again! this time i'll just die!"

i don't think this guy could even hear me over the music coming from the radio. even if he did, i don't think he cared. this man had a psychotic death wish and harrison and i were included. plus, if there's anything i know about drew wilson, the man can't drive.

"up at this turn we're jumping out, okay?" harry said to me.

"there aren't locks in the backseats of police cars!"

"idiot never fully closed my door." harry motioned with his head. i took notice for the first time of the small crack in between his door and the outside.

i quickly collected myself as best as i could as we neared the upcoming wide turn. i didn't want to jump out of a moving vehicle, but i also didn't want to be in another car accident.

"1, 2, 3!" harry yelled, busting the door open and flinging his body out of the car. i followed behind him, feeling the strong wind of outside knock into my body. i felt the pavement scrape my knees up as they made contact with each other.

"you good?" harry yelled to me since we landed about 6 feet apart from each other.

i went to nod my head but a loud noise went ringing through my ears. the cop car had just crashed into another car around the turn. my jaw was held agape as i watched the whole thing go down.

"come on, let's walk." harry grunted as he stood up, using the guard rail for support.

"but what about that?" i pointed to the crash site as i stood to my own feet.

harry turned to look at it before shrugging his shoulders, "the way i see it, we just got out of a buttload of fines and possible jail time. let's go."


rip officer wilson, you will not be missed.

* also naomi is still in her coma - sorry if i didn't make that clear enough :/

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 , 𝟖𝟎𝐬Where stories live. Discover now