37 = death date

265 14 3

brandy's point of view

"is this really a good idea?" i asked, standing in between jason, naomi, and jake. we all stood facing jason's friend's now vacant apartment door.

"yes, we're pulling in the reinforcements." naomi nodded her head. the reinforcements she's talking about are the corey's, as they're the only two left of our group to be let in on our secret.

jason jingled the keys and then turned them in the lock. he pushed the door open and we all followed in behind him. it was a decent sized apartment and smelled of fresh paint. the walls were all white and the floor was hardwood. the place was completely empty besides the alcohol and radio we brought with us that naomi and jake were currently setting on the kitchen counter.

"when're the corey's supposed to get here?" naomi turned around to ask jason.

jason shrugged, "i told them 8 o'clock."

"did you send them the right address?" i asked.

"i called and told them the address. remember we don't have that "texting" stuff here yet."

"oops." i grinned at jason.

a loud noise coming from the further side of the apartment made us all jump. it sounded like it came directly from outside the window. we started to walk over to investigate when a visible hand knocked on the window from outside.

"what the hell!" naomi clung to jake's arm.

jason quickly pulled the window up and there stood the corey's on the fire escape.

"you gonna let us in?" haim smirked and jason took a step back.

"you know there's a perfectly working front door over there? you didn't have to break in through the window." jason chuckled as the corey's hoisted themselves up and through the window to stand inside with us.

"i didn't know you had a key! you said your friend just moved out of here." haim said defensively.

"who's he?" feldman pointed to jake.

"our friend jake, we go to school with him." said naomi.

"i can't believe you guys climbed the fire escape." jake started to laugh and so did jason.

"whatever, it doesn't matter!" i chimed in even though i found this debate amusing, "the point is that we're all finally here, so we can start."

"start what exactly?" corey f raised his eyebrow, "jason told us it's a secret meeting-"

"that's what they call it." jason shrugged, motioning to naomi and i.

"oh my god, just come sit." naomi said, sitting down in front of the fire place. we all joined her on the floor in a makeshift circle.

"is this a cult?" haim's eyes widened, "are you guys apart of a cult, because this feels very cultish!"

"no! we are not apart of a cult!" i reassured him.

"i'll begin." naomi smiled proudly and sat up straighter.


i'd say we were about 45 minutes into our accidental time travel explanation when the corey's finally started to believe us and stopped thinking we were pulling some massive prank on them. i could tell because questions started spilling out of their mouths one after the other.

"so the two of you were in a car accident and the next thing you know, you're waking up 30 years in the past?" feldman asked.

"precisely." i nodded.

"so you two know everything that happens leading up to the year 2018?"

"yup." naomi and i said at the same time.

"well, we know key events from learning them in school or hearing stories but we both weren't born until 2001." i explained.

"wow." feldman said with a shocked look on his face. the same look that matched haim's.

"so wait, can you tell us our futures?"

"trust me, i've already tried asking them that on the way here." jason sighed to corey f.

"why can't you tell us!"

"because we aren't fortune tellers, corey." naomi shook her head.

"is it bad? do you know our death dates?" corey haim hugged his knee to his chest.

naomi and i went silent as the guys stared at us.

"shit." jake mumbled.

"alright, enough of this depression we all just fell into. we have alcohol, loads of it, so lets party it off." i watched as jason stood up and went to grab the bottle of vodka.

"i'm with ya." i followed him over to the kitchen. i watched as he took a large gulp, his face scrunched up from the potentness of the liquor.

"here." he said, wiping his lips and handing it to me.

"you can down bourbon without a flinch but not some vodka?" i giggled, taking a swig as well.

"it was a lot at once!"

i laughed again and then turned to my friends who were still sitting on the floor, "get up, all of you."

a collective sigh came from them as they stood up. i quickly poured a shot of bacardi for naomi and then handed it to her, "rum, your favorite."

"the different names." corey f shook his head, "what do we call you two now?"

"i call them naomi and kennedy." jake shrugged.

"naomi and kennedy it is." feldman declared, "kennedy, pass me the vodka."

i quickly took another large sip and then handed it off to him. "haim, what's your poison?" jason nudged him in the arm.

"anything that'll get me to stop thinking about my death." i watched jason's eyes scan the various amounts of liquor. he tapped the cap of absolut vodka.

"corey, we didn't even tell you anything about dying." i placed my elbows on the counter.

"yeah, but you also didn't say anything when i asked!"

i frowned and blew air out of my nose, "drink the absolut."

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 , 𝟖𝟎𝐬Where stories live. Discover now