8 = love triangle

693 27 7

wow over a month since my last publish ! i'm so good at this !1!

jason patric's point of view

"you have a very interesting sense of fashion." i said as i watched brandy pile up all the clothes she was buying on to the counter.

"how so?" she asked as she pulled out her credit card.

"it's very ... cool. casual, street wear. almost boyish, in a good way."

she smiled and tucked a baby hair behind her ear, "it's just what i like, i guess."

she thanked the lady at the register once she handed her her card and bags and then we left the store.

i watched her as we walked around. her eyes darted from one thing to the next as if she wanted to see everyone and everything around her. she looked almost fascinated as if she's never been outside before.

i'd noticed a small change in her the night of the premiere. before, she was still a cool person, went with the flow type of personality; but she seemed to really know what she was doing in her career as an actress. now she seems different. she talks differently in a care free way and almost has no clue about what's going on around her anymore.

it might sound weird, but it intrigued me, and i wanted to know everything about her.

the ring of my cellphone startled me out of my thoughts.

brandy jumped and looked around, "what the fuck is that?" she whispered, so other people walking around wouldn't give her a mean stare for cursing so loudly in a public area.

i pulled out my cellphone and waved it in her face a little.

her eyes widened at the sight of it.


"hi, jason patric?" the familiar voice asked.


"this is michael anderson, brandy alexander's manager. i cannot seem to get in touch with her at all and she has an audition in 45 minutes. is there any way you could possibly reach her? i'm sorry, i just didn't know who else to contact."

i looked at brandy with a disappointed glare in my eyes. she mouthed out "what" to me.

"yes, i can get in touch with her, i'm actually with her at the moment."

"oh thank god. tell her she needs to be at 7711 hollywood boulevard #2. i will meet her there with her scripts, headshots and resume."

"okay, will do." we hung up at the same time.

"who was that?"

"michael. your manager. he said you have an audition in 45 minutes."

"oh god, where?" she almost groaned.

"about 10 minutes away in west hollywood. you're lucky you were with me or he probably would've been very angry with you. why didn't you bring your cell phone?" i laughed.

"i just ... forgot it ... i guess."

i nodded, "come on, let's head to the car."

"jason, i don't know how to audition." she said as we walked out into the parking lot.

"what're you talking about?" i laughed.

"like, i don't know how to audition for movies!"

"brandy, you got the part in the lost boys. i think you're just nervous. what's the audition for anyway, do you know?"

"no." she shook her head.

once we made it to my car, i opened the door for her and then got in.

brandy's point of view

i was scared shitless to say the least.

i wasn't physically here for the audition of the lost boys and now here i am, still living in the 1980s about to audition for a movie while having no experience in any thing like this.

my anxiety was kicking in once we made it to where the audition was taking place. jason and i got out of the car and walked over to michael who was waiting on the sidewalk for us.

"brandy!" he smiled once he saw me and pulled me into a fatherly hug and then shook hands with jason.

"thanks for getting her here." michael said.

"of course." jason smiled.

"this one ..." michael shook his head at me, "we gotta keep her in line."

"oh i agree. she's a wild one." jason teased with michael.

my jaw dropped at the two of them, "how am i wild?"

"well, you pass out at premieres, forget interviews and auditions, and rely you on a guy who's five years older than you to take you to these places." michael cracked a smile.

"i could handle all of that on my own." i crossed my arms.

"okay, then i'll just go and see you probably never." jason said while taking small steps backwards.

"no, don't go." i said quickly.

jason smiled and went back to where he was standing.

"listen you two, you both have interviews coming up this week and i'm almost positive they will ask about your relationship with each other. so before then, make sure you sort out whatever is going on between you two and jami, alright?" michael instructed.

"why is jami related back to us so much?" i asked.

"it's a love triangle, dear." michael said, "but! in the mean time, here is everything you will need." he handed me a binder with a bunch of papers in it.

i opened it to see my headshots that i obviously do not recall ever taking. i flipped a few pages and found the script.

license to drive
mercedes lane

my heart almost skipped a beat when i read that.

"that must be the corey's." michael said as soon as a car skid up to the building.

my mind was screaming curse words out of being nervous and excited but all that came out of my mouth was, "do i look okay? should i have changed? should i keep my hair up?"

"you look fine, kid. maybe take your hair down, they might want to see your looks completely." michael told me.


ew ew ew we needa get to the good parts in this 🥵

don't forget to vote so i know to keep going ! :')

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 , 𝟖𝟎𝐬Where stories live. Discover now