A red flag went off.

He was sent into nervousness immediately.

He got up and watched as they ran into the room, holding papers and pens and important things.

His fists tightened and he followed them to the room, lurking not too far behind.

He saw the machines the were beeping from where he was standing but could not see Jihoon. He was too much to the right.

The running and rushing seemed to stop once the beeping was heard again. A nurse sighed heavily and Soonyoung couldn't tell if it was from relief.

"Get the doctor."

The other male nodded and turned around, to be greeted by Soonyoung.

The boy was exhausted and had a look which only read that he was serious.

"Let me see him.." He said, quiet from his throat being tight because he just woke up.

The male looked behind to see the nurse and ask what to do, and then he looked back at Soonyoung. "You will. But in a few minutes we need to make sure he's okay first."

He guided Soonyoung back to the waiting room, which by now he hated everything about it.

He waited impatiently until the same nurse came back thirty minutes later.

"He woke up." She said. "But we don't think he's using much of his mind. He's very tired, too tired to function you need to understand this."

Soonyoung stood up again, eager and afraid. "I can see him now..?"

She nodded. "We think seeing you will help him gather himself and make it easier to recover."

Soonyoung nodded and walked up to the door, the nurse leaving them alone.

It was hard. He felt like if he actually saw him laying there it would make everything sink and hit. It would mean that this is real..

He opened the door and braced himself. His heart was breaking.

He looked up and saw Jihoon, surely enough laying there with a breathing mask again and his eyes shut.

Soonyoung physically couldn't cry anymore.

He hesitantly made his way to the seat, afraid that if he made the wrong movement it'll hurt him.

He wasn't going to that close to him, but then he saw Jihoon's eyes flutter open.

He froze before finally sitting down. He held eye contact with Jihoon, until he finally opened his mouth to speak.

"I-I'm sorry.." the younger one weakly spoke. "so s-sorry.."

Instead of yelling like Jihoon expected, he saw Soonyoung break into a smile, eyes watering and feeling relief run throughout himself.

He was crying, but he kneeled on the side of the bed, and Jihoon didn't know what to do when he saw Soonyoung put his hands on the edge of the bed and rest his forehead on them.

"Thank god you're okay- thank god you're okay." He repeated over again, and something went off in Jihoon making his own eyes water.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you.. I'm so sorry.. I didn't know.. I should've.."

Put flowers on the desk. (Soonhoon)Where stories live. Discover now