One Year Anniversary of Taken Over

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Sorry that this is not a chapter, I'm still putting together the ending, but today was one year from when I first posted this story and I honestly can't believe it's gotten up to 10.8K reads and 437 votes

I started this story to just experiment if I would like to continue writing about my favorite video game after Minecraft Christmas Mode and, pretty soon, I loved it so I continued by starting this book while trying to put other people's ideas into the story along the way.

Just like on Deviantart, I found people who liked my work and who liked some of the things I liked too and were able to talk with me about it since I don't really get to do that that often with my IRL friends and family, so it means a lot to me that I get to do that on here and Deviantart...

Sorry if I sound really cheesy, but I just really appreciate all you readers who supported this story all this time, even when I was doubting if I should continue to write, so a Colossus-sized Thank You to all of you 😊

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