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Petra's POV... A few seconds earlier

Right before I was blasted through the portal to Sky City, Jesse had tossed to me her red hair clip and said,

"You're going to need all the luck you can get..." and hit me with a dark sphere.

As soon as I was spit out of the portal, I landed on the ground of Sky City's remains and saw the others hiding under a broken house's roof.

"Petra! Get out of the open!" J yelled at me motioning to the ghast floating overhead, so I ran scooted in next to J and caught him slightly blushing as he looked to the others and asked,

"Are we all here?"

"No, Lukas was taken by Jes-Herobrine." I told him.

"What?!" the others whisper shouted.

"Can we talk about blonde guy later please? We need to figure out how in the world we are going to get down to land right now." Ivor griped.

"You're only saying that because you're worried about him." Axel teased.

"Can we settle this later, we need to get to the waterfalls like NOW!" I yelled as the ghast figured out where we were hiding and called three other ghasts to attack us.

"Axel,Olivia give us some cover!" I shouted to them.

"On it!" They responded as Axel pulled out a white block of TNT and Olivia took out a strange contraption and they began to set up their distraction. Axel put down the blocks of TNT and Olivia took a small piece of metal, that was the size and shape of a button, and attached it to the TNT block and ran back to us.

"As soon as I activate the smoke screen we have approximately 30 seconds to get to 'the falls' before the smoke clears up." Olivia explained.

As soon as she pressed the button on her remote, there was a loud beeping noise and an explosion followed by a bunch of white smoke, covering us from the ghast's sight, so we ran to the edge of the waterfall.

"What now dudes?" Axel asked as he paled a little from looking over the edge.

"Now we JUMP!" I shouted and shoved everyone into the water as the smoke started to clear up. The ghasts saw us trying to escape and spewed out some fireballs, so I picked up Reuben and leaped in as well.

A Few Minutes of Falling, and Screaming, Later...

Still Petra's POV

"That..was.. Awesome!" Dan breathed out.

"If by awesome you mean life-ending-ly terrifying, then yes, it was awesome." Stampy quivered and started to hum to himself to calm down.

"Stop being such a fraidy-cat Stamps."

"Let's just get to shore please, I'm soaked." Stacy begged and started to swim away.

"We better get moving too so we can find the Founder and Milo." I reminded everyone as we paddled our way to shore where we began to see the faint outline of a town. As we reached shore, we saw a town just a small distance away from the lake and the people of Sky City were running around helping other people with buildings and gathering supplies to create more.

"Wow, this place has gotten some major upgrades since the last time we were here." I looked around, impressed by some of the building materials and designs.

"Hello my friends!" we heard a voice call out and when we turned around there was Milo, the Founder, and Benedict walking towards us. As soon as Reuben saw Benedict, he ran over to her and they started to play around with each other.

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