Chapter 51: Preparations...Kind Of

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Sunday August 23, 2020 - Tampa, Florida

Aesha POV

11:12 AM

"Oh my God, the new floor is looking amazing! Terry! You're a miracle worker!"
"Nah, I just really love my job, keeps the wife and kids happy, too, so I put my heart into it."
"I hear that. Ima let you get back to it and go help paint the bathrooms."
"Ms. Thomas, you really don't need to do that."
"I've always loved being hands-on with my store, renovations are no different and it's not my first rodeo. I'm a painter, I love to paint, so let me paint." I say putting my hands on my hips and the contractor puts his hands up and laughs.
"You're the boss, Aesha."
"Damn right." I say with a nod and a smile and walk off to paint the men's bathroom with one of Terry's workers.

"Hola, Ricardo!" I say happily grabbing the rolling brush to apply the second coat of paint, painting towards him where we'll meet in the middle of the back wall once we're done.
"Hola, Aesha! You're in a good mood today."
"Why shouldn't I be? The day is beautiful, my store is getting fixed, everything is working out."
"I'd be a little more pissed if I was you, personally. They still haven't caught that carajo."
"Oh, Ricky, I wouldn't worry 'bout that if I were you."
"But he's still out there. What if he comes back?"
"It's only a matter of time before he gets caught and he gets what he deserve; he'll be getting his real soon, believe that."

I see him eye me suspiciously but he only shrugs and drops the subject for us to converse about other things while we work.


"Damn, that's a good looking bathroom already." I say standing back with Ricardo as we eye our paint job.
"Damn straight. Can't wait to get the new plumbing in here, it's gon' be lit!" He says and we exchange some hand slaps and fist bumps.

It hasn't been long and I've already developed a close friendship with these men; I guess I'm more people friendly than I thought.

You know I got it bad bad bad bad bad bad bad for you
You know I got it bad bad bad bad bad bad bad for you

"Hello?" I say answering the call and Ricardo leaves me in privacy.
"Lau masiofo, ou te misia oe!"
"I miss you more, my king!"
"How's the reno?"
"Ugh, so good and so quickly. I literally couldn't have done any of this without you, baby, thank you so much."
"Aye, I love you and whatever you're passionate about I'm passionate about too, and we're gonna tackle it together, believe that."
"I hear that, and I also believe that you have a comeback to make tonight. You excited?"
"I'm nervous as Hell but yeah, I'm so ready. You were right, I missed all this; I'm just glad I was able to stay conditioned and well oiled."
"Like a sexy machine."
"Damn right. Hey, on a completely unrelated note, have you seen a pair of twins around?"
"Ummm...I saw your twins the other day when we went to see them, The Usos are there witchu, the Hell are you on about?"
"Hm, nothing I guess."

I'm about to say something when Terry peeks in at me.

"You got visitors, the Bellas?"
"The Bellas?" I question after him.
"There they go. Call me when they leave." Joe says in my ear.
"Joseph! What're you—"
"Love you!"

This bitch just hung up on me.

I shake my head and walk out to the main floor where Terry's other assistant, Harold, is finishing laying the new floor by the newly remodeled wall.

"Niks! Brie!" I say excitedly and hug them.
"And Birdie! Oh, what a big girl!"

She giggles and hides behind her mom's legs.

"How old is she now?"
"A big ol' three now."
"Oh my gosh, insane. What're you all doing here?" I ask hugging them again.
"Welllll, we weren't supposed to be here until next weekend, buuut—" Nikki starts.
"Something came up and we had to redo our schedules and here we are a week early!" Brie finishes and Nikki does jazz hands. They crack me up.
"Okay, well, here you are, but why?"
"You see that room right there? What used to be your work room?" Nikki says pointing to the now open archway.
"Yeah? What about it?"
"It is in that room where you will be selling our line of wine, Bella Ridici."

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