Chapter 20: The Build Up

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Saturday April 25, 2020 - Tampa, Florida


Aesha and I are in the future nursery, me painting one of the walls a nice pastel green while she works on painting in the wall mural she sketched out yesterday. When she came to see me the other day after work, I told her about everything that happened with Paulette and Caden. After getting out all of my anger and frustration, she ran me a hot bath to relax in and massaged my shoulders and back before she took me back to the bed and made me forget about everything...with her mouth alone.

I've never gone this long just foreplaying with a woman but with Aesha, I'll wait for her, she's worth waiting for.

"You doing okay over there, Big Dog?" She asks me not taking her eyes off of her task.
"I'm...managing. Just-the painting...I'm so sorry about that. I don't—"
"Joe, please don't worry about that painting, I can make another one; it may actually be better this time around."
"Oh yeah? Why is that?"
"I feel more secure in my abilities. Call me crazy but a celebrity dropping a few g's on your work kinda boosts your confidence." She says and I laugh.
"I'm just a basic consumer willing to spend whatever he needs to get what he wants."
"Mhmm, was that the first step in your plan to get me in bed?"

I put the paint roller down in the pan and walk over to stand behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

"That depends, did it work?" I ask kissing her neck. She giggles and cranes her neck to allow me more access.
"That was impressive, I'll give you that, but if you wanna bang just keep speaking Samoan to me, that'll do it."
"Sili atu ona saunia lena pusi mo aʻu, Aesha." I say nibbling at her ear.
"I heard my name but I have no clue what your sexy ass just said. You know what, just don't tell me."

She drops her brush in her pan, turns around, and pulls me in to kiss her and I hold her close around the waist, rubbing her back and moaning into her mouth.

That is until my phone rings.

I growl in annoyance and she just chuckles at me and pulls away from me but I hold onto her hand while I answer the call.

"Aye, it's Gabe."
"Hey, wussup? She doin' okay?"
"Yeah, she's fine, at the doctor right now."

I take a second to check the time.

12:30 PM

"Damn, that was today. Shit man, everything's been so crazy, I totally forgot."
"It's cool man, I think you guys need to be away from each other for a while, anyway. So, uh, she said you want a paternity test."
"Around the time that she probably conceived she was still messin' with her ex but she just happened to be the only one that I was sleeping with. We weren't exclusive right away so it was whatever but we always used protection, so yeah, I've got some doubts."
"I know bro, she told me. I think that's smart. I love Paulette, she's my baby sister, but that girl has been nothin' but trouble since she was fourteen. I just hope after this she smartens up, y'know?"
"She's gonna have to 'cause regardless of who the father is she's still a mother now and she needs to keep it together for that little thing."
"I hear you, man. Lemme go, I'll keep you posted."
"Thanks man, talk to you later."

We hang up and Aesha wraps her arms around me and kisses my chest.

"That was her brother. She's gotten settled into his apartment and she's at the doctors for a check up. If the baby's mine, I'm gonna feel so bad for not going to the appointments."
"Well, you're always working and when you're here, she's always fighting witchu; just do your best like you have been and that baby will love you no matter what, if it's yours, of course."
"Ugh, I should've just kept it in my pants." I say running my hands through my loose hair and she reaches up to twirl her fingers in my waves and curls.
"You right, but there's no point in crying over spilled milk."
"You're right, you're always right." I say with a smile.
"Damn right and don't you forget it."

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