Chapter 34: Just Being Honest

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A/N: Just a heads up, this one's a little longer and the next few chapters will incorporate stalking and detailed abuse but I'll include a warning before each one. Take your time and enjoy

Saturday June 13, 2020 - Tampa, Florida


3:15 AM

My phone alarm goes off and I rise up from my bed and stretch some. Since Aesha moved in, she's been having these nightmares, all at the same time every night, so I've set my phone to wake me up a little more than fifteen minutes before her dream reaches its peak so I can go sleep with her. I walk into her room to see her mumbling something in her sleep and I slip under the covers next to her, wrapping her in my long arms and feeling her instantly relax into my embrace, her breathing slowing down and the mumbling ceasing.

She's pretty calm when she first falls asleep but when these dreams start to happen, it's like she can't wake up from them until it's too late and she's a scared sweaty mess all by herself. She hasn't talked about them in detail yet but I understand her not wanting to think about them, she doesn't want them plaguing her in the daytime too; I just wish she'd put away all those fears and doubts and come sleep with me. She sleeps so much better when I'm holding her, she knows it, and even I sleep better with her in my arms; but I'm not going to rush her, I'm just going to be here for her for when she finally realizes what we have and she's ready to let me love her fully and unconditionally like I already do.

Aesha POV

4:56 PM

"You totally didn't have to take today off for me, I could've done all this by myself." I say painting over the unfinished baby-friendly mural on the wall of the former nursery.
"I said I wanted to help get you settled in so, today and tomorrow I'm gonna do that. Besides, you've been struggling with getting your clothes unpacked and now they're all unpacked, the tubs are put away, and the room is basically all your own. You're welcome." He says taking a few steps backwards and I turn to face him.
"Thank you, FunBun." He pecks my lips a couple times before we go back to painting the walls.

"Can we take a break now?" He asks me after we finish with the first coat.
"Yes, Joe, we can take a break." I chuckle putting my roller brush in the pan and I hear him do the same.
"Great. Come to my room so I can measure you."
"We talked about this last night; I need your measurements so we can get you a dress for the premier, even though you already have a few good things."
"But they're not red carpet good."
"Baby, anything you wear will be stunning because you're worthy of your own red carpet, honestly."

He closes the distance between us to hug me and kiss my face a few times.

"When you put it like that, who am I to argue? But I wanna be perfect for that night."
"Ua uma lava oe, loʻu alofa."
"I can't wait to finally be able to understand what you're saying."
"We'll get you there. You've been practicing though and you're doing so well already."
"Thank you, baby."
"Say it in Samoan."

Joe's been teaching me Italian and Samoan but I've been more focused on Samoan, practicing little things he's taught me while he's at work. I'm learning, slowly, but I am learning.

"Hmmm...okay...uhhh. Faafetai, pepe."
"Malo lava. Now say it in Italian."
"Jeez...hmm...grazie piccolo."
"Sì! Eccellente! I'm proud of you, hun. C'mon, let's get you measured."
"Yes, daddy." I say and he taps my butt as I chuckle and scurry out the room.


"Alright, you ready?" He asks me unraveling his tape measure as I stand in front of him with my arms crossed.
"I didn't even know you knew how to measure people."
"There's a lot you still don't know about me, sweetheart, but don't worry, you'll learn." He smirks and winks at me and I just roll my eyes but smile back.
"Okay, so, to get an accurate measurement, I need you to undress."
"What?? No I don't, you're full of shit."
"Maybe, but you've got on these thick joggers and, for the type of dress I have in mind for you, I need very accurate measurements and the only way to do that is for you to be as naked as possible. So, go on, strip."

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