Chapter 63: Busy Bodies Part I

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Tuesday October 27, 2020 - San Jose, California

Aesha POV

12:15 PM

"Thank you so much for the favor, Jesmyn, I owe you one."
"Nah, hun, you don't, just make sure you drop my name when someone asks you who hooked y'all up with the bomb ass pirate costumes."
"You really outdid yourself, babe, thank you so much."
"Anytime. So, you want me to have this delivered to your man's sister's place?"
"Yup, and I'll pick it up from there because she's not far from where we'll be staying."
"Aight, no problem. Lemme go finish getting these details on and I'll start packaging them. Hit me up if you need anything else."
"Perhaps a wedding dress? Yeah, I've kept up witcha'll on social media, you better be callin' me 'bout a dress soon."
"You're a mess, but you know you're the first one I'll call. Thanks again, take care boo."
"You too."

I'm so pumped, Joe and I decided to be pirate captains; I wanted him to be a pirate captain and I would've dressed up in something glimmering and gold and been his "booty", but he convinced me to design outfits so that both of us could be pirate captains. He said that "we're both the lead characters to our story, we're essential to each other and this is our life to live, our ship to command together" and that he's not gonna do it without me.

I love that man.


Speaking of which.

"Hey baby, I think you'd like to know that our costumes are ready and I'm having them sent to Summer's house."
"That's wonderful babe, I can't wait to see 'em."
"How's your hand?"

He came back to the room the other day with his hand wrapped, I asked him what happened and he said that he hit his hand on an iron railing or something.

I don't buy it, but ima let it slide.

"A lot better, thanks baby. I'm not staying here long, just came to grab a shower and see you, then I'm off again."
"Oh yeah? Whatchu got planned?"
"Oh, you know, press and fan related...stuff."
"I see."

Once again, not buying it, but it's sliding.

"Yeah, so uh, I'm gonna hop in the shower now."
"You want me to join you?"
"When're you gonna stop asking me that and just do it? The answer will always be yes, baby."

He swiftly picks me up into his arms and whisks me away into the bathroom with him, me laughing my ass off the whole way.

I'm gonna find out what he's up to...just not right now with his dick in my mouth.


12:55 PM

Here I am walking up into this abandoned building and into the sketchy ass basement. I don't just do this, wander around creepy buildings in the middle of the day, but I've done a thing, a thing that I should think of as a bad thing...but I'm too happy and excited to be freaking out about it. What is that thing, you ask? Well...

"Aye! There's Boss Junior! Came to pay your first catch a visit?" Joey asks as I enter the basement.

I helped kidnap Rufus. I mean, the initial idea was mine and I thought up most of the plan, but Joey helped me actually do it.

It's all about who you know, kids.

"He's my first and only catch, don't expect me to make a habit outta this."
"I feel you. Ima leave you alone, you know I'm no good with watching these things."
"Yeah, you just like to set 'em up."
"You got it. Ham-man, make sure he takes it easy today, aight?"

Hamilton, the silent type, just nods his head as Joey leaves the room and I stand in front of Rufus, his face a little healed from the last time I saw him. He's sitting, bound to the chair, not looking at me.

"How was your ride over here, RuRu?"
"Aw, are you mad at me? Huh? Look at me when I talk to you, punk."
"I said LOOK at ME when I TALK to YOU!"

I grab his face to make him look up at me, squeezing his cheeks hard in my grasp.

"You just don't know how lucky you are, you fool. I can have you killed, Aesha can have you killed; Hell, I could kill you right now and get away with it, but that's not my scene."

I let his face go and step back to look him over.

"You always thought you were so big and macho, huh? Always beating beautiful women like Aesha down just to build yourself up. That's not what real men do, real men don't have to do that to make themselves feel good; nah, real men build their women up and work with them to achieve their dreams; needless to say, Aesha's got herself a real man now."

"Fuck. You." He whispers out and I put my hand to my ear.
"I'm sorry? What-what was that?"
"I said fuck YOU!" He says louder.
"Oooh, I hear you now. Huh, well, you sound pretty angry there bud, I almost wish you weren't in this position, I almost feel sorry for you...but then I remember that you're an evil and abusive asshole, that you put yourself in that chair, and I don't feel so bad anymore."

I step closer to him.

"She did nothing but love you. How do I know? Because she does nothing but love me and bend over backwards for me if she has to, always has. You never deserved her, ever, and I hate that she's had to endure everything you've done to her, but I'm so glad you fucked up 'cause now I get to reap the rewards of her recovery, I get to be the one she comes home to, the one she confides in, the one who she can call home; I can be her everything and give her everything after you've given her nothing but shit and be shit to her."

I step closer and lean down to look him in the eye as he angrily stares back.

"She finally gets to know what true love is because I get to be the one to show her day in and day out, and she shows me her love day in and day out, all day, everyday. Mm, she loves me so good, in the morning, in the afternoon, at night; I have her for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a midnight snack. Damn man, you really fucked up letting that one go, oowee boy."

"I didn't let her go, you took her from me." He huffs out in angry breaths.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the definition of delusion.

"Uh-huh, sure. All that matters is that I've got her now, she doesn't need or want you, the end, give up. Once, you haunted her dreams, now you're a distant memory, I've made sure of it. How's that make you feel?"

He chuckles and spits a big wad of saliva in my face, but I just laugh it off, wiping it off with my shirt and standing up to look at him again.

"You'll get to see her one last time, but you've gotta survive the road trip back to Florida with my buddies first. That means I won't see you again until then, so lemme give you my parting gift."

I reel my hand back and punch him square in the nose again, knocking him out cold before leaving the premises unnoticed and inconspicuously.

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