Chapter 53: Operation: Clapback - The Backfire

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Aesha POV

Approaching the meeting area, Joey has a firm grip on my arm to make it look as if I've been taken against my will, after all, Rufus thinks he's had me captured. This dick really thinks he's the only person in the world with connections. Ha! He just doesn't have a clue, but he will after tonight, and he'll be begging the cops to put him in a jail cell and throw away the key.

Getting a good look at him, he's grown out his beard, it's untouched and unruly, as is his head hair. He looks tired, like a mad man who's religiously stalked his girlfriend and is now running from the law. I don't know how his business is doing, I'm assuming fine, but with the nationwide arrest warrant on him, I can't imagine it's doing as well as it once was. That's fine, I don't care, I say let him sink.

"My darling Aesha." He says looking me up and down.
"I'm not your 'darling' anything, so give it up."
"Wow, you're mighty confident for someone who's been kidnapped."
"I've just learned to expect the worst from you."
"This wouldn't have had to happen if you had just talked to me instead of hiding out with that dumbass Hawaiian Jason Mamoa wannabe." He growls and I roll my eyes.
"You're so goddamn ignorant, he's not Hawaiian, he's Samoan."
"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!!" He roars angrily.

I can tell that Joey's a little shook by Rufus' display of anger, but I'm unbothered and only roll my eyes again which seems to anger him further.


And I roll my eyes again.


And again, I roll my eyes. They're going to get stuck rolling one of these days.

"Rufus, when're you gonna realize that you can't hurt me anymore?"
"When are you gonna realize that you're my babygirl? Always and forever, 'til death do us part."
"Is this you proposing? 'Cause I don't think you're doing it right." I say and he only chuckles maniacally prompting Joey to finally speak.
"Alright man, I gotcho girl, where's the money?"
"What?" Rufus asks, seemingly genuinely confused.
"The money. You told me to get your girl and you'd give me five g's. Well, where's the cash, homie?"
"Oh! That cash! Oh, okay, well, here's the ain't gettin' it."

I feel Joey's grip on me tighten a little as he tenses up, fully aware that our plans are about to take a serious left turn, and my mind is only focused on one thing: getting me and my squad out of here alive.

"Excuse me?" Joey says squinting at my evil ex.
"On my way over here, I figured out that I didn't find it necessary to pay so much coin for someone to return my worthless runaway bitch to where she belongs. So, you're not getting five grand."
"We had a deal."
"Yeah, we did...and now we don't. Hand her over."
"Um, nah bro, not 'til you pay up."

Rufus shakes his head and chuckles evilly again.

"You see, when I say that she's mine 'til death do us part, I do mean just doesn't matter to me who dies first, and if it has to be you homeboy, so be it."

Before I can even realize what's happening, there are shots being fired around me and I'm being hoisted up and carried away.

Galina POV

There that prick goes and there's Joey and Aesh. If this all goes well, we'll have ourselves our own little captive to use as a punching bag when I'm in a bad mood, which would be every time I see now. God, I hate that guy, didn't even know him like that but I don't have to know that he ain't shit, he ain't worth shit, and he deserves nothing more than shit. I'm in position and ready in case anything pops off; just a little "pop, pop, pop" to give Aesha and Joey time to get away, worse case scenario, of course.

From where I'm at, I can hear them but only slightly; I do, however, hear Rufus loud and clear when he yells at them, Aesha clearly not caring. They exchange a few more words and Joey gets into the mix, Rufus only laughing in response.


I hear him say something else and before I know it, he's firing off at Aesha and Joey. Joey, prepared for the worst in his army grade bulletproof vest, engulfs Aesha in his arms, his back to Rufus, as they sprint away and I begin to fire off at this asshole, causing him to retreat as he tries to avoid my unmarked bullets, not knowing where they're coming from. I see Lydia and Bianca dart out from their containers and get their hold on Rufus, who has dropped his gun in his rush to get away. For a moment, I think that we can actually salvage this situation...until I see another woman emerge from the shadows with her own pistol drawn at Lyds and BiBi.

Ah shit.

Bianca POV


Is this the right time to jump up out these containers? Probably not, but I am. This asshole just opened fire on my little sister! He's going down.

I push open the container door and dart out, Lydia sprinting at a retreating Rufus from her container. She ran track through high school and college and, despite her short bout with drugs, she can still run like the devil's chasing her...except, in this situation, she's chasing the devil and I smile to myself when I see her tackle him to ground. Getting up to them, I grab him in a choke hold and yank him up to his knees while Lydia grabs his collar and we pull him to his feet.

"We're gonna have so much fun with your bitch ass." Lydia says with a smile.
"Not if my girlfriend has anything to say about it." He responds with his own smile and we're mildly confused.
"Step away from him, now."

Lydia and I look to see who must be that Oneida bitch Aesha told us about, her hands tightly clenching onto her gun but she's a little shaky.

"I said let him go and step away from him, now!"

We let him go and step back, our hands in the air.

"We don't want any problems witchu girl, we're not fuckin' witchu." I say.
"Too late. The moment you fuck with my man is the moment you fuck with me. C'mon baby, c'mere." He walks over to her and she rubs his face.
"Are you okay?" She asks and I swear I'm about to puke.
"I'm okay baby, thank you for having my back. I don't know where their bitch sister went but I'm over it. Let's get outta here."

Lydia starts to laugh and I just look at her like she's crazy...because she is.

"The fuck are you laughing at?" Rufus asks turning around.
"You really think you're God's gift to earth, huh? Hey, new ho, has he started beating you yet? If not, he will, and you'll be the next one he's stalkin', just get ready 'cause you ain't got the help and support Aesha does, hoes like you usually don't."
"Rufus loves me! Anything that happens to Aesha now is her fault and her fault alone!"
"So, we're just gonna act like the side bitch knows shit...when she doesn't? Okay."
"You were always the one with the smart mouth."
"The smartest."
"You never know when to shut up."

He chuckles and looks away before grabbing the gun from Oneida's hand. I hear two shots go off simultaneously but I only see my sister look at me with a look of shock and pain as she collapses in my arms, the sound of Rufus' footsteps and his girlfriend's curses sounding a mile away to me while more gunshots ring out.

"L-Lydia?!" I exclaim.
"We got 'im." She says quietly with a smile before closing her eyes and going limp.
"Lydia?! LYDIA!"

I look up, tears blurring my vision but I know that shadow I see is Aesha, bright red and blue lights lighting up the night as sirens grow closer and closer. She's screaming, pulling at her hair, falling to her knees at the other side of our sister, hoping and praying to anyone or anything that'll listen that she'll be okay...but both of us know that she won't.

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