The End is Near

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Well my loves, this book is coming to an end, I've written the final chapters and now all that's left is to edit and publish them. It's been one Hell of a ride with this story but don't worry, the ride is still far from over.

However, with this first book finished, I will be getting back to updating "Fireflies to the Flame" and I am very excited about it.

Of course, I'll be continuing my Shmut Stories, my rant book, and my other sequel book, but my priority will be "Fireflies" in the close future.

Also, I'll be designing covers for some other books I've written that I want to start publishing, so be on the lookout for those.

So, thank you all again for sticking around and showing me love, I appreciate every single one of you, you motivate me to keep writing and do it to the best of my abilities. I hope you hang out to see what else I've got for y'all, keep it tight and, as always...

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