Chapter 59: The Girls and Dean

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Sunday September 7, 2020 - New Orleans, Louisiana

Aesha POV

It is currently...

2:45 PM New Orleans, and I'm sitting, chilling in the lobby with The Bella's, Nia, Alexa, and Trin. We're not talking about much, most of us flew the one hour flight from Atlanta while the rest took the six hour drive. They don't have much to do today besides press events so, until duty calls for them, we're just sitting and having some girl talk.

"So, how're you liking your time on the road so far?" Alexa asks.
"Oh, it's great already; I love traveling, so this is right up my alley."
"How's it traveling with Joe?"
"Interesting. It's hilarious watching him trying to get comfortable on a plane, there's just not enough room for him and all his long limbs." I say chuckling.
"In fact, on the flight here, even though it was just a little over an hour, he wanted to sleep but couldn't get comfortable. So, I let him take my window seat, I sat in his aisle seat, put up the chair arm, and let him lay his legs across my lap. He's heavy, but he slept like a baby, and that's all that matters to me."

The girls let out a bunch of "aw's" and exchanged looks.

"That's so sweet, you guys are so cute together." Nikki says with Brie nodding in agreement.
"They really are. How're you recovering from losing your sister by the way? I know it's hard, but how are you now being away from home?" Nia asks and I sit back and let out a sigh, the air around us a little tense.
"Chill out guys, it's okay to ask. I like it when you ask, reminds me that people really do care. So, yeah Nia, I'm okay, I'm getting there, working through it, Joe's really been my rock through it. Y'know, last night, he and I had this really nice heart-to-heart."
"Don't you mean dick-to-snatch?" She says and I throw a couch pillow at her while we all bust out laughing.
"No, bitch! That's not what I meant!" I laugh out.

"Anyway, no, we just had this moment last night where we...we just cried. It's been, what, three years since his brother died and he told me that he never really got the chance to mourn after the funeral. Since then he's been distracting himself with women and work but last night I...I got him to open up and talk about how he really felt, how he really feels and...we just lied there and cried together. I knew I didn't want to be alone in mourning my loss, but I didn't know how badly he needed to mourn his loss still; we've been through a lot together these past few months and, you guys, I...I think he's it for me."

They all gasp and begin to smile.

"How long have you been together?" Brie asks.
"Only three months, but our connection is...electric, undeniable, we We haven't been together long at all, but he told me one day that "love doesn't know what time and place is, it just happens", his words." I say and Trin giggles.
"Actually, those are Jimmy's words."
"Really? Jimmy be wise like that? I would've never guessed it." I say laughing and someone lightly slaps the back of my head.
"Aye, I have my moments. Can't say I was wrong though, right?"

I turn around and slap his arm as he rounds the couch and sits beside Trin.

"I guess not. Where's your cousin?"
"He and my brother got stuck outside making some stupid bet with Dean. I ain't in on it."

I laugh and we continue with small talk until Dean, Joe, and Jey approach us.

"Hello ladies." Jey says and Jimmy makes a face.
"Um, I'm here, too."
"Oh, my bad. Hello ladies and bitch."

These two.

As Jimmy chases Jey around, Dean comes over to hug me and Joe sits down beside me.

"Hey baby." I say with a bright smile and he kisses me sweetly.
"I gotchu something." He says.

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