Chapter 40: Midweek Fun

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Wednesday July 15, 2020 - Tampa, Florida

Raul POV

"These are all the prints for you ma'am?"
"Yes sir, just these and where are your business cards?"
"Oop! I forgot to put 'em out. Here ya go, and you're total purchase will be one fifty-two sixty two; cash or credit?"
"Credit please."
"No problem."

I finish ringing up the kind woman at the register and pick up my phone.

3:32 PM

Foot traffic is slow right now, so I decide to take this opportunity to hop up on twitter and see what Mister Sexy Samoan is up to with my darling Aesh. Getting into his page, there's picture after picture after picture of him and Aesha except she's not really in them, just a part of her body is.

For example, the picture he just posted is of them at the pool but it's a selfie of him in the water with his head in her lap as she sits on the edge of the pool with her legs in the water and her hand resting on his head.
Roman Reigns @WWERomanReigns

Pool day with #queen #aulelei she has my whole heart and both of my heads #isaidit #theonlyone #Yessir #whoisaulelei

Another one is of them out to eat somewhere but it's just a picture of her hand reaching for a French fry.

Roman Reigns @WWERomanReigns

The thing about falling in love is that you share your mind, body, and soul with that person...

...but you also share your food apparently 🙄 #whoisaulelei? A #thief is who #aulelei is

The selfie from this morning is of him lying in the bed on his side but the way he's holding the camera up some, you can see Aesha's bare back and her hair is free of her hair bonnet. She never goes to sleep without her bonnet so I know that her and Joe are back messing around.

Roman Reigns @WWERomanReigns

#Goodmorning Empire. Just your humble king waking up w/ his flawless #queen 😍 #aulelei #whoisaulelei #aboutlastnight #themorningafter #icantgetenough #juicyfruit #Yessir

They haven't fucked yet though, otherwise she would've said something but I'm glad my girl is having fun away from the drama that is her ex.

"Hey cutie." Speaking of drama...

Jameson and I have been...talking but every time I think that we're making progress, another one of his ex hoes pops up and, quite frankly, I'm sick of it; you either want me or you don't and if you do, you need to. Clean. Up. Your. Mess. Period.

"Jameson." I say crossing my arms.
"Aw, c'mon now, you're not still mad are you?"
"Of course I am! You're lucky Aesha didn't question me about sending her home the other day since she was so exhausted. Imagine how she would've felt after all week of being stalked by her ex to come to work and deal with your ex bustin' up in here making a rukus? Seriously?"
"Okay, I know, I feel bad, we lost some customers that day."
"You just consider yourself lucky that no one wrote a review about it."
"I know and I'm so sorry, please Raul, I mean it."

I sigh and go back to looking through my phone.

"I like you, I really do, but you can keep all this extra shit and if you can't get it together, you and I can stick to business only."
"You know that's not what I want."
"Then you need to show me that you mean it."
"I will, I promise."
"Mhm. We have a customer, make a good impression."
"Sure thing, boss man."

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