Chapter 68: Thanksgiving with the Bloodline

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Thursday November 26, 2020 - Tampa, Florida


3:56 PM

We're late, we're so late, but we're here. Aesha's moving a little slow today, probably tired from all the hustling she's been doing. Since the store will be having it's grand reopening on New Year's Eve, she's been working on new paintings all day everyday, staying up late and getting up early to work on them, so she's a little sluggish, but I got her taken care of; flew in last night and bathed her this morning, did her hair, lotioned her, dressed her, everything. So, we're late, but we're here and she's with me and that's all that matters.

"Oh! Il mio bambino! You made it!" My Mom says hugging me tightly when she answers the door for us.
"Of course I made it, momma, we're just a little late."
"That's alright, just as long as you're here. Come come, help me get all this food out, dinner starts soon. Aesha, sweetheart, it's so good to see you again; haven't seen you in so long and I missed you at the Halloween party! How are you?"

I love that Aesha has met my mother before, before she and I met and started messing around, so they're already familiar with each other, and that makes me happy.

"I'm good Ms. Patricia, a little tired, but good."
"Oh, please, I already told you to call me Mama Pat, anything but that ma'am or Ms nonsense, it's far too formal for me. Come in, come rest yourself honey while Joseph helps me get everything set up; would you like some wine, dear?"
"Oh, Mama Pat, you know I love wine, but it makes me sleepy and I'm already low in energy; I'll skip it today."
"That's just fine, dear. Here, Galina and the kids are just in the backyard, I know you were looking for them."
"I always am." Aesha says chuckling and I pull her to kiss her cheek a few times.
"Dinner will be ready soon, okay? Go have fun with our babies."

She chuckles and kisses me softly before happily walking outside and greeting Joelle and the boys with big hugs and kisses. In the kitchen, there's a large window that overlooks the backyard and, as I'm finishing the lasagna and baked mac and cheese, I have my eyes glued on a now barefoot Aesha, hopping and skipping and playing around with my kids and nieces and nephews, a natural with kids.

"A cosa stai pensando, piccola mia?" My Mom asks unloading the dishwasher.
"Il mio futuro, mamma." I say taking the plates from her. I kiss her cheek and walk out to set up the large dining table, bubbling with excitement for tonight.

6:30 PM

At this point, we're all drunk with food, all of us. Jimmy, Jey, and their wives are here, Galina and Cecil are here, all three of my sisters and their families, a couple more cousins and their families, even Dwayne is here with his girlfriend we met in Texas and all three of his daughters. So, at this moment, we're all sitting in my mom's large living room, the little children running around and playing while the bigger kids and us adults are sitting on the couches and floor. Me? I'm on the couch, Aesha's feet in my lap as she seems to be dozing off reclined back on the arm of the couch. There's random conversation going on, the room abuzz with casual jokes and fun until my mom stands up and claps her hands to get our attention.

"Excuse me! Everyone! As you know, it is Thanksgiving and it's that time to go around the room so we can all share all the things we are thankful for! So, I'll go first to get it started. I am thankful for all of you, my lovely family, thankful that you are all healthy and happy and doing well and I'm so thankful for the newer additions, such as Dwayne's little babies and sweet Aesha; you're all such blessings and I thank you all for being you."

She walks over to give Aesha a hug before heading over to Dwayne and the girls and hugging and kissing them. Then, I stand up to go next.

"I'm thankful for my mom, my dad, my siblings, I love you and miss you everyday Matt; I'm so thankful for all my friends and family that have supported me through all my hardships and have helped me grow and become the man I am today. I've been through a lot these past few years, even just this year, but I'm so thankful for all you sticking by me through it all; I am especially thankful for the woman who helped me through it. Aesha, baby, you're an angel, my angel, I respect that you're not a religious person, I'm okay with that, but I'm a faithful Catholic man and I believe in blessings and I am truly thankful that God blessed me with you, even though I don't think I deserve you. I love you with my whole mind, body, and soul, from the day I met you I knew you were the one for me, and you've been nothing short of a blessing for me and my kids, even Galina. After everything you've seen me go through, everything I've seen you go through, we've come out stronger together and I'm so thankful that I have you now; you're my strength, my rock, my hope, my home, I love you so much, you're my everything."

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