Chapter 36: Sleepless Nights Part I

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A/N: This chapter contains stalking/abuse and could be a trigger for some. Read at your own risk.

Monday July 6, 2020 - Tampa, Florida

Aesha POV

I startle awake, not remembering when I fell asleep but I do know that I'm in Joe's closet. I wipe my mouth of the dried traces of saliva, a fresh droplet in the corner of it. Timidly, I stand up and open the closet door to see the large bedroom being bathed in early sunlight and no one in there. I step out and walk out into the hallway, the house quiet save for the ringing of my phone. I sigh and re-enter my room, grabbing my phone from the nightstand to see three missed calls from Joe, the last one being the call I just missed. I observe the time on the screen.

8:45 AM

I'd usually be up making my way to work with him so I suppose he thought I was up, which I would've been if I didn't sleep in his closet or at least had my phone with me so I could hear the alarm go off. I swipe the screen to call him back and he answers after one ring.

"Hey." I croak out.
"Babe, you okay? I was about to send Lina over to check on you."
"No, I'm okay, really; just had a rough night."

That's an understatement.

"Rough? Why? What's wrong?"
"Nothin', it's just an adjustment without you here; I've gotten so used to you being here and doing everything together, it's weird and pathetic, I know." I lie and chuckle nervously.
"Oh, no, it's not weird or pathetic; I'm-uh, I'm actually having a hard time sleeping without you, too."

Oh my heart, she swells again.

"Is that right, Big Dog?" I say and I'm sure he can hear the smile in my voice because I can hear the smile in his.
"Yes it is, mia bella; I miss you already and I don't care how pathetic that sounds."
"Well, I miss you too, so we'll be pathetic together."

We chuckle together and have a nice morning conversation while he tells me about what he has planned to do today. After we finish eating breakfast together over the phone, we share blow kisses and I hop in the Range to go to the store, slowly but surely trying my best to stay as alert as possible, fighting my residual exhaustion despite the cup of coffee I drank.






I shoot my head up and look around confused then realize Jameson and Raul looking at me with confused and concerned looks on their faces.

"What? What's up?" I say letting out a yawn.
"Honey...are you okay?" Raul asks as I stand up and stretch.
"Yeah, yeah, I just just didn't get much sleep last night but I'm fine."
"Awwwh, are you missing your hubby?" Jameson teases and I lightly mush his face away as he makes a puckering face at me.
"Fuck off, that's not my hubby; we're only talking."
"Mhmmm, talkin' bout that wedding we all know y'all gon' have."
"I'm going to the back. If you need anything you know where to find me." I say and walk off to the back.

Getting in, I close the doors behind me and check my phone.

1:15 PM

I only have fifteen minutes until my first student of the day comes, there's no way I'll get enough sleep in that time. So, I yawn and stretch again, set up for the lesson, but uncover a large painting I've been working on and sit down to continue working on it before my student shows up. I think I'll load it in the pickup and take it home and hide it from Joe so he doesn't see it before it's done, however, I'll do that tomorrow after I've gotten some more sleep.

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