Chapter 52: Operation: Clapback - The Setup

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Sunday August 23, 2020 - Tampa, Florida

"So, when we get to the second driver, Hamilton, Aesha stays with me for the 'exchange', and you three go with The Ham Man, got it?" Joey says addressing the three women in the car with him.
"Um, why do you call him The Ham Man?" Aesha asks.
"He likes to go by Hamilton, like the play; he's a huge fan of Broadway, and I said it one day and it kinda just...stuck."

"I guess so. Anyway! Lydia, Bianca, and Galina all go with Hamilton, I've got a guy on the inside that'll manipulate the tapes for us so it looks like the cameras never saw us and we were never there. Hams will drop Lyds and BiBi off at a group of ship containers that Lyds will pick the locks to for them to hide out in while Hamster gets G up to a good vantage point overlooking the exchange, heads back to his car to hide out nearby, and Aesha and I wait for everyone to be in position before finally meeting with Rufus."
"Ehem, his name is Fuckus." Galina says and they all snicker.

"Sorry, Fuckus. Please take note that nothing happens, no moves are made until everyone is safe and in their place, got it?"

The girls all nod in understanding and he continues.

"Alright. So, while we do the 'exchange', BiBi sneaks out of her container and flanks Fuckus' left while Lyds flanks his right, quietly but quickly, grab him by the arms, and we let Aesha whoop that ass before we get him bound and gagged and we get him back to Ham's car, throw him in the truck, and haul him off to the safe house, got it? Lina, we have you just in case Fuckus has a little surprise for us but we're hoping to not need you, just be on your guard, aight?"
"Aight. We ready to catch us a woman-beating fugitive?" He asks pulling into the back parking lot of an abandoned warehouse and holding his fist out to his side. They all bump their fists together and split off into their designated groups to meet Hamilton before rolling out and driving off to get down to business.

Lydia POV

12:49 AM

After arriving here at the docks, Bianca and I are in position in our containers that sit on either side of the large open space where Fuckus is meeting Joey and Aesha. The way this is going down is that he thinks that he's hired someone, Joey, to kidnap Aesha to give her over to him; he says he just wants to talk to her but we know he intends to take her with him. This obviously makes me extremely nervous because if anything doesn't go right, he really could leave here tonight with her and that could be the last time I ever see my little sister...and I don't know how to feel about any of that. All I know is that we need to get our hands on him and in our possession, then everything else will fall into place.

IF everything goes right tonight...which I reeeeally hope it does.

"Nightowl to Scarecrow, come in Scarecrow." Joey's voice says through my walkie talkie.
"You gon' stop callin' me that." I respond.
"We needed codenames, Scarecrow just fits you."

I roll my eyes and respond.

"Whatchu want?"
"The client will be here in T-minus ten minutes. Be on your guard. Can you hear through the container?"
"Good. I just checked in on The Bibs and Birdseye, Hammy is in position ready to go, and Poof-Poof is here and safe, ready for the exchange."
"This better work, Joey, otherwise your ass will be less than grass if anything happens to her."
"I gotchu, I gotchu. See you soon."

We end our conversation and I sit down on the floor of the empty container; I don't know why our containers are empty, they just are.

Now all we have to do is wait.

Galina POV

12:58 AM

Time goes by so slowly. I'm standing here in position at the secret vantage point Hamilton brought me to and Fuckus should be here soon. I'm nervous, extremely nervous, but I gotta stay cool, calm, and collected because if anything pops off, I'm the one that can help us out of it: me, my gun, and my 20/20 vision, yessir.

Where I am gives me a bird's eye view of the meeting area and a good bit of the rest of the docks around us. I'm nervous, like I said...but something about this excites me. I can't wait to see Cecil again and release all this energy on him, his sexy ass and that long thick dick; my God, if I wasn't busy, I'd be rubbing one out thinking about him right now. Damn, all I need is a minute.

I see Fucknut appear from the side of one of the other large ship containers and straighten up, checking my gun and taking the safety off.

I guess I'll just have to wait until later to take care of the ocean in my underwear.

Aesha POV

1:00 AM

Joey and I are sitting in his car somewhere hidden away out of sight, waiting for Rufus to show. I should be nervous, I should be freaking out, but I'm anxious at most...anxious to kick that fucker in the face for everything he's ever done to me or had someone do to me; for all those sleepless nights, the tears, the nightmares, the physical and emotional wounds, I'm getting my revenge for it all.

"He's here." Joey says putting his burner phone back in his pocket.

I'm getting my revenge for everything...and I'm getting it right now.

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