Chapter 67: Busy Bodies Part II

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Saturday November 7, 2020 - Downtown Tampa, Florida

Aesha POV

10:30 PM

The elevator smoothly carries me from the lobby to the top penthouse suite. I exit the lift, notice a mirror to my right, and can't help but stop to admire myself in it.

(Outfit, hair, makeup, and a reminder of what Aesha looks like - played by the gorgeous Shantania Beckford)

(Outfit, hair, makeup, and a reminder of what Aesha looks like - played by the gorgeous Shantania Beckford)

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Damn I look good, especially in the new wardrobe bae's been accumulating for me. That man just won't stop spoiling me, I miss him already.

Le sigh.

Anyway, I poof my hair and turn to the side to admire my slightly thicker behind. I'm all dressed up because I'm going out with Galina and Jameson to see Raul perform at Bradley's, however, I'm planning on skipping the drinks tonight; no turning up for me.

So, I give myself a final smile, walk up to the big wooden door, and unlock it with my keycard, walking into the dark luxurious unit and turning on some of the lights so that I can see where I'm going. I make my way through all the expensive high end furniture and décor and into the master bedroom where I stand in front of one of the nighhtstands. Pulling out the drawer and pulling up the false bottom of it, I enter a key code into the hidden keypad. Then, I walk back out to where a bookshelf along a wall has opened slightly, slipping in and closing it behind me as I step into the dark room. I flip on the light and smile.

"Well, well, well. Long time no see, huh Paulette? You miss me?"

Joe kidnapped Rufus, I kidnapped Paulette. We're still perfectly normal people, everything is fine.

"You crazy bitch, fuck you!"
"Ouch, damn, why so serious?"
"You had me abducted!"
"I'm not an alien, I didn't abduct you; I simply had you...taken away mysteriously for a short period of time."
"Short? I've been in here for four days!"
"I was busy." I say with a shrug and she growls.

What a bitch.

"Listen, lacefront, I've been pretty easy on you, you've been treated pretty nicely, yes?"
"What? Are you for real?? You have me chained up to a wall in a dog collar! What about this is nice?"
"The fact that you're still alive."

Hah! Look at how pale she is, I can't help but laugh.

"Hah! Chill out, I never planned on killing you, still don't; you're not even that important to me."
"Then why are you doing all this?!"
"You did try to kill me."
"But you dropped the charges!"
"Yeah, but sometimes all you need is some good street justice to help you get you through a tough time. Besides, this way, maybe you'll think twice before you try to commit murder again."

I walk over to her where she's trembling and shaking with fear.

"I've been through too much shit in my life, even in this year alone, you've put me through too much shit this year alone. I'm tired of people hurting me, trying to beat me down, break me, it's about time people learned that I am not one to be fucked with. Now, I could break every pretty little bone in your pathetic body, but you have a baby to take care of and, well, I'm not a monster."
"Where's my baby?!"
"Calm down and stop screamin'! Goddamn your voice is annoying." I say rolling my eyes.

"Ya baby's fine, she's with her daddy. Now, lemme tell you what's gon' happen, aight: I'm gonna let you go, there are clothes in the master bedroom you can have, take whatever you want; you're gonna go home, tell your brother that you just needed some time secluded away, so you went to Boca. Then, you're gonna go hug and love up on your baby, be a good mommy, and not say shit about this to anyone or else you will go missing again and you won't make it home next time. Do you understand?"

Poor girl looks like she's got Parkinson's.

"This is the part where you use your words. Now, I said DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" I yell in her face and she frantically nods her head.
"Yes! Yes! I understand!"
"Promise! Just let me go!"
"Pinky promise."
"Pinky promise me or I'm sending you home with no nice clothes and a busted up face that not even the "Botched" doctors can fix. Now, pinky promise!"

She hurriedly links her pinky finger with mine and I smile at her.

"There, that wasn't so hard. Now stay still."

I pull a knife from my purse, grab her by the hair, and swiftly cut her lose of the collar, letting her drop to her knees onto the hardwood floor.

"Get up, brush yourself off, get whatever clothes you want, change and let's go; I've got plans and I'm not tryna have you hold me up."

I let her out of the room and she doesn't try to run, just goes straight to the walk-in closet in the master bedroom as I told her to.

"I-I can t-take anything?"
"Anything you can pack in that luggage bag over there, but hurry up."
"W-Why are you—"
"Because I'm a lowkey psychopath, but I have a heart, too. Please get whatever you want so we can go before I change my mind about letting you go."

Within ten minutes, she's packed the large luggage bag up with as much clothes and shoes as she could, a few hand bags on her arms and, after she's changed, we make our way back to the lobby.

"Have a good night, ladies." The kind man at the desk says.
"You too, darling." I say and walk outside with Paulette.
"Your Uber is down there. Get in, don't say a word, he knows where to take you. I'm leaving in the opposite direction. I want this to be the last time we see each other, got it? Mind ya bidness, and I'll mind mine."

I turn to walk away but turn back around to call to her.

"Oh, and Paulette..."
"Lose my man's number. I don't care if your fuckin' house is on fire, I catch you texting or calling him again, your ass is done, you hear me?"
"Great. Now get outta here, have a good life."
"Um, A-Aesha?"
"What?" I snap.
"I-I'm sorry about your sister." She says quietly and I stare at her for a few seconds.
"Thank you." I say and turn back around.

With that, I walk back off to where Hamilton has been waiting for me, hand him the keycard, and we drive to Bradley's where I meet up with Lina and Jameson.

"Shots on me, bitches!" He says excitedly and Galina claps her hands as I shake my head with a smile.
"None for me tonight."
"What? But you always do shots with us."
"I know, just not tonight."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing you need to worry 'bout Jamie, really. Just no liquor for me tonight, aight."

They shrug and begin to drown themselves in as much liquor as they could stomach in ten minutes.

Damn, I'm gonna miss drinking.

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