Chapter 62: We Meet Again

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Sunday October 25, 2020 - Los Angeles, California

Aesha POV

5:15 PM

Joe and Dean have been out all day having a bro-date, as I call it. Those two are like two peas in a pod, no joke, and Seth fits right in there with them; I know they miss him, but he'll be back not long after I head home, so I still don't get to see him again and I haven't seen him in months. I've grown close to all of Joe's work friends just from the last time I was in California with them all, exchanged numbers and we've all done our part to keep in touch; that makes me feel nice.

You know what also feels nice? I've finally gotten the name of the store changed.


Thursday September 10, 2020 - Sydney, Australia

9:02 AM

"A&J Art and Wine? What could the A and J possibly stand for, hmmm? Humor me with an answer." I say cocking a brow at a laughing Joe.
"Hear me out, alright? A&J: yes, it can stand for Aesha and Joe, so it would be 'Aesha and Joe's Art and Wine', but it's more than our names. It actually stands for 'Art and Joy' because I see how happy painting and making and teaching art makes you, how much joy it brings you even in the face of danger and stress; to see that level of happiness in you makes me happy, and I want your store name to reflect that, to reflect you. So, name it what you want, but that's my pick."

He shrugs and I just laugh and reach over to hold his hand.

"I think that's perfect baby, I'll make some calls tomorrow and get it done."
"Nah, don't worry 'bout that, I'll take care of it."

I smile at him and he leans over to kiss me, me meeting him half way across the table, neither one of us noticing our waiter waiting on us.


But I digress, as always.

While Joe and Dean have been out, I've been in the room taking care of business, making a bunch of calls, and now I'm just hanging out at the rooftop pool with the girls, reminiscing about the Hair- and Booty-lympics; my time on the road with Joe will be ending soon, so I'm reminiscing about our time together so far, too. It's been so nice, we haven't done anything notable besides hang out with our friends, go to the gym together sometimes, gone out to eat, and make love - can't forget the nightly/daily love making. I felt sick the other day and took a pregnancy test and I'm honestly surprised that the 1% failure rate hasn't hit me yet; I guess my pills work better than I give them credit for. Well, looks like I don't have to worry about a little accident anytime soon, which is fine, I'm fine with that, a little bummed out, but fine. I'm actually more focused on why Joe's been so secretive with his phone lately, going into the bathroom to take a call or text; like, I've been being a little sneaky too, but I'm just better at being inconspicuous about it...that or Joe's really good at hiding his suspicions, I don't know which one.

"I bet she's pregnant right now."
"That bun just a-bakin' while she's day drinkin'."

I give Trin and Nia a stank face as Alexa moves to sit on the longer chair beside me.

"Ignore them, we're all just really happy for you and Joe, you guys are so cute and so in love; it's so great to see him this genuinely happy, especially after everything he's been through, everything you both have been through. How're you feeling about everything? Be honest?" She says reaching over to rub my shoulder.

"Back in January or February, if you told me I would be in a committed relationship with Roman Reigns, I would've laughed you out the building; if anyone ever told me that I would lose one of my sisters, I would've punched them out; people did tell me that Rufus would make my life a living Hell, but I didn't listen. Some days are better than others, I have my moments, but having Joe really helps because if I didn't have him and all his love and support, I would've at least tried to kill myself under all the pressure and anxiety and sadness and fear; if I had never gone to RAW that one night, I would've never spoken to Joe more than I did at my store: that's when I began to learn how a man should really treat a woman. He's treated me with dignity and respect from the moment we met and he's helped me put so many things in perspective, and I'll never be able to thank him enough or repay him for that."

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