Chapter 18: The Drama Continues Part III

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Thursday April 23, 2020 - Tampa, Florida

Aesha POV

It's been two weeks since my altercations with Paulette and Rufus; I've been back to the apartment to get the rest of the things that belong to me, specifically anything that I bought with my own money, but I only went to retrieve them when I knew he wouldn't be there. Also, I've been staying with Raul for the time being while I continue searching for a lawyer to get all this legal business shit figured out, look for a new place to stay, and pulling my hair out over how I'm going to afford it all. I've got money in the bank but I'm sure to deplete it quickly now that I'm going to be backing everything myself.

On a more happy note, my first Wine and Paint event went great; a bride-to-be booked me for it as her bachelorette party and we all painted a picture of a white garter and black bow tie thrown over a bottle of red wine. The group was fun and goofy and everyone had a great time, myself included, and I've officially added that service to my website and business cards and have printed out the new cards. I've also been thinking about adding "wine retailer" to my résumé; by that, I mean I'm thinking about selling wine in my store as well, really combine my two passions, I just need to figure out what wine I want to sell, who would be interested, and get the license for it.

Now, back to the drama. I don't have proof that Rufus has been messing with Oneida but my woman's intuition is telling me he has, I'm just waiting on something, anything or anyone to confirm it.

Checking my watch, it's closing time.

9:00 PM

I've been spending most of my time at the store in the back or mingling with the customers, avoiding talking to Oneida unless I really had to but still being careful to not make the patrons feel awkward. I've just locked the doors and Raul and Oneida are making sure all the sales add up right in the register.

For the quality of my workplace, I haven't told Raul that Oneida might be the one he heard Rufus fucking that one day because he's a little petty and he'd definitely make it known that we don't fuck with her anymore but in a very passive aggressive mean-girl type of way, which would be entertaining as Hell.

Anyway, I give them about ten minutes to go through all the receipts and cash while I clean up my work room and lock it up. Walking back to the front, I approach them right as they're locking up the register and Oneida is the first one to throw me a smile, of course.

"Hey! We all set, Aesh?" She asks and I just stare at her.
"Mhm, yup."
"Oh, okay. Well, uh, before we all go, uh, can I talk to you in the back real quick."
"No, you can talk to me right here." I say and sniff the air.
"Oh, okay, well, I don't know if Raul wants to be here for this."
"Oh, I don't mind, I'm sure he doesn't either." I say and sniff the air again.
"Um...well, uh, I just wanted to point out that I noticed that you haven't exactly been...warm to me recently. I just wanted to know if everything was cool between us."
"Oh yeah? What makes you think I'm not cool witchu anymore?"


"Oh, uh, well, you've just been really short with me lately and I don't know what's going on but it's making me really uncomfortable and I don't want to work here if the relationship between us is suddenly strained and tense, especially since I've never done anything to you."


And that's when it hit me: the smell, that smell, it's the same smell that was on Rufus that night I cooked that spaghetti bolognese dinner and he stood me up and came home late. That's the smell of the perfume on him that night and it's mixed with the smell of his body spray and that's when it dawned on me that the oversized button-down shirt she's wearing as a dress is actually one of Rufus' work shirts.

These. Fucking. Two-faced. Bitches.

"All I'm saying is that I can't work under these conditions." She continues to explain and I just nod my head.
"Mhm, okay...then don't." I finally say with my arms crossed and her eyes get wide, Raul looking at me with shocked eyes too.
"You heard me, you said you can't work under these conditions, so don't. Don't bother comin' in tomorrow, I'll mail you your paycheck, I hope you the best in your future endeavors; give me your store key."

I hold my hand out and she scoffs.

"Are you...are you serious?"
"Like a heart attack. Now, hand it over."

She scoffs again and shakes her head.

"This is wrong, can I at least get a reason?"
"By law, I'm not required to give you a reason. Honestly, I could fire you just because I don't like your hair today, but that would be a lie considering your hair actually looked nice today, for once." I say and she gasps while Raul looks on with a confused yet amused face.
"I can't believe you're doing this!"
"You better believe it 'cause it's happening. Now, get up out my store, you're not welcome anymore."
"Are you serious??!"
"Yes! Like, how many times do I have to tell you? You're fired, terminated, your services are no longer needed. Now, are you gonna leave on your accord or am I going to have to escort you out? You know I can so you better chose wisely."

She stomps her foot and storms off to the front door.

"Oh, and Oneida?"
"What?" She snaps.
"Laundry day is coming up and I'm sure Rufus would like his shirt back so he can wash it."

Her face blushes and goes pale at the same time and Raul just stands there shocked while I smirk at her. I wave at her and she finally leaves the store and Raul turns to address me.

"Okay, if I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down, you're sayin' that Oneida's been—"
"Yes, she's been fuckin' Rufus."
"What the fuck?? For how long?"
"I don't know and I don't care, she can have him: I'm done."

We finish closing up the shop, shutting off the lights and setting the alarm before leaving the store. Raul is parallel parked out front and I'm about to get in the passenger seat when I hear a familiar voice speak to me.

"I guess it's too late to buy something, huh?"

I turn around to see Joe walking up behind me from the black Ford Explorer parked behind Raul's car.

"Joe!" I exclaim and immediately find myself being picked up in his right embrace.
"What're you doing here?" I ask looking up into his eyes.
"I was able to fly out early so here I am. My flight got delayed though, so I ended up missing you all day but I'm here now."
"I can see that and I'm really happy you are." I say with a big smile and he leans down to kiss me.


We turn our attention to Raul still standing at the driver's side of his car, arms crossed and brows raised.

"Oh, um, Raul, you remember Joe, right?"
"Mhm, that sexy ass Samoan that bought your painting. I heard you been puttin' it down on my girl and in detail, too, ya nasty."
"SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!" I squeal at him and chase him around the car while he cackles like a maniac. On our second lap around the vehicle, Joe wraps his arms around me and effortlessly picks me up and presses my back to his chest.

"Don't be embarrassed, baby, I like that you wanna talk about me and all the good things I do to you." He coos in my ear and I shiver.
"Mmmmm, Aesh, I think you should go home with your man tonight."
"He's not my man, Raul. We're just...having fun." I explain and Raul just rolls his eyes.
"It's true, she just wants some fun so I'm giving it to her. Although, I'm not opposed to spending the night with you, if you'll let me."

I turn around to look at him, once again forgetting that Raul exists.

"I you want to?"
"I'd really like to. I honestly don't wanna go home this weekend; I just wanna spend it with you, Lina, and the kids, if you don't mind."
"N-No, nah, I don't mind at all." I say with a small smile.
"Great. So, Raul, I know she's been stayin' witchu; do you mind if I crash, too?"
"I sure do not mind, my place could use some sexy Samoan vibes." He says and I just chuckle with a bright blush on my cheeks. With his finger and thumb under my chin, he lifts my gaze to meet his and smiles at me.
"I missed you, aulelei."
"I missed you, too, Joe."

He pecks my lips one more time before I get into the Ford with him and we follow Raul back to his place.

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