Mesut Özil

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*Erika's POV*
I'm sat on the couch waiting for Mesut to get home. It's Valentine's Day! I've planned to stay in all day with him and enjoy the time with each other. I've cooked his favourite food and have got our favourite films to watch.
I rush round the house making sure everything is ready as he is meant to be home in 5 minutes. I check the kitchen, making sure the food was fine and cooked properly and checked that the all snacks were out.
By the time I checked everything the door opened. Normally, Mesut would come in all cheerful but today he is so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. "Happy Valentine's Day babe!" I say running up to him and giving him a big hug, he doesn't return it, just pats me on the back and pushes me of him. "I made food and then we can watch a movie, is that alright?"
"It sounds like a rubbish plan." He says back before running up the stairs.
I follow behind him, I see him sat on the bed on his phone completely ignoring me.
"What's happened? You're never normally like this?" I ask slowly approaching him. He puts his hand in his bag and throws something at me. It was a newspaper.
Mesut Özil's girlfriend posting a rather rude post about her boyfriend tonight, before deleting it after getting loads of hate. Could something be happening between these two?
I scoff at the paper.
"No. Don't say anything. I've had enough with your lies. Why would you do that to me? After everything I've done for you."
"Mesut. Why are you believing these lies. You know I'm 100% supportive with you and your career. I'm super proud of you. Why are you letting this get in the way of our relation ship?"
"Because! My girlfriend is posting rubbish about me online and is lying to my face saying she isn't. Pathetic. You're like all them other girls. I can't deal with you anymore Erika!"
"Something has changed in you. Towards me. You're distant, cold. I don't know why you think I would do this, but I'll leave you alone for now on if that's what you want. Is that what you want? You know why I'd leave you alone? Because I care about your feeling more than mine. I love you. There I said it. I would never do anything to hurt you."
"Yeah. Is that what you're gonna do now! Leave? You're good at that. You call me distant and cold have you seen yourself?"
Before I reply I feel a hand slap my cheek. A sting running through it. I look at him, he looks at me. He starts to cry as I start to run away.

*Mesut's POV*
"How could I mess up like that!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I crawl into our bed crying uncontrollably, she's left. My princess has left me. I'm such an idiot. I know she'd never do something like that.
Instead of depressing myself I go search for her.
I run out of the house in my car. I drive round the streets scanning the area. I look down every alley way, I call everyone she knows. "She has to be out here somewhere." I mumble to myself. I decide to look on foot. I park my car and walk around the park. I walk into the playground where we first met when we were kids. I stop looking at the ground and look around. I then see her. Sat on the swings. Staring out to the moon. I walk towards her and sit on the swing next to her.
I feel her watery eyes look at me. I continue to look at the ground.
"Mesut?" She said in a croaky voice. I look up at her, her eyes red and puffy.
"I'm sorry baby. I should've believed you. I rub her cheek where I hit her and stroked it, "I'm sorry for all of this. I swear I'll make things better and we'll be happy again. It's Valentine's Day we need to spend the time together happy."
She smiles at me and nods her head. "I love you." She whispers before pressing her lips onto mine. I kiss her back and I feel a sense of relief, glad I didn't lose her.
"Should I push you?" I ask getting up and standing behind her. "Yeah, but do it gently."
I push her and she gently swings forward and backwards enjoying the night together.
"I love you Mesut."
"I love you too Erika."

Hello. This is for xMrsRamos I hope you enjoy it.

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