Harry Kane

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My favourite thing every December is going to the Tottenham Hotspur Christmas party my dad Mauricio Pochettino does every year. I'm best friends with all of them and I feel welcome whenever I'm around them, they're all my brothers and my dad is happy we all get along well together, but I'm not allowed to date them which is alright because it could ruin my relationship not only with my father but with them and the other guys.
I'm sat in the car watching the snow pile on the floor outside. "It definitely will be a white Christmas this year." My dad said. "I doubt it, the snow never sticks here in London." I sit bored for what feels like ages so I turn the radio into the Christmas channel, I sing quietly as we continue our way to the stadium.
We pull into the car park, I rush out and grab the Christmas presents out of the boot of the car and walk through the entry doors towards the area we shot it in. We walk in and everything looks so festive. The Christmas tree decorated head to toe in silver decorations; reefs on the door; fairy lights on the walls; food all along the table; and everyone sat talking to each other. "OMG I never knew you were all this good at decorating!" I say still mesmerised by the winter wonderland surrounding me. "We weren't originally going do it, but Harry forced us to do it for you." Eric says. I look at Harry, our eyes connected and he looked away blushing. "It was a team decision." He says trying to cover his embarrassment.
"Well, it's nice to finally see you all its been ages." I say trying to change the conversation. "It's been two months."
"We are all glad to see you again, I know Harry especially is." Dele says smiling at us both. "Come on guys stop embarrassing the poor guy." My dad says coming into the room with more bags. "Thanks boss." Harry says gladly, happy that someone's on his side.
"What do we have planned today?" I looked around the room at millions of activities from board games to FIFA. "Well we're going to eat first then you can do whatever you like, like we do every year," Harry (Winks) replies. My cheeks turn red at how I forgot that we do the same thing every year.
We all walk into the eating room and fill our plates with almost everything while chatting about Christmas and family. I sit next to Harry and my dad glances at me with a curious look. It's not to happy and not to sad. I ignore it and carry on chatting.
I walk into the kitchen and place all the pots and pans. "Do you like Harry?" A voice behind me asks. I look back to see my dad, "I like him as a friend." He nods his head and leaves the room.
Before I walk back to the other room someone grabs my hand and pulls me outside.
The moon was setting with tiny snowflakes gracefully falling around us. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" He sings and I hit his arm, "what I was only asking a question." I laugh at his cuteness and I collect a pile of snow while Harry went to find sticks, rocks and a scarf for the snowman. I dump the cold balls of snow on top of each other as Harry returns. I place the sticks in and wrap it's neck with a scarf. Harry ducks behind the snowman and waves the sticks with a awful Olaf accent. "Hi I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs."
While he wasn't paying attention I chuck a snowball at him, he screamed like a girl as the snow ran down his neck into his back slipping on the ice while trying to get it out. "I'm so going to get you!" He jumps back up of the ground and chases me until I feels myself being pushed into the floor. I stand back up patting my clothes down and I look up.
I see mistletoe hanging above us and before I can say anything he crashes his lips onto mine. I kiss him back with more passion as I wrap my arms around his neck.
We pull away and smile at each other. I hear all the boys cheering and clapping. However, my dad was stood there looking at us, his arms crossed like he always does when he's not happy.


Hello! This is for HarryKaneIsMyWorld thanks for requesting. I hope you enjoy it!
Thank you!

Amy 💎

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