Alex Iwobi

841 20 3

Your POV
Alex and I awake from our slumber when we feels kids jumping on the bed. I open my eyes and see our 9 years old son Josh, our 6 year old son Chase, and our 5 year old daughter Sophie. Josh stands by the doorway, Chase is jumping on our bed, and Sophie is trying to cuddle with Alex.
"Hi, honey." Alex says to Sophie.
"Daddy! Mommy! We have to go open presents, come on!" Sophie complains.
"Soph, give us 5 minutes and then we'll talk open presents, alright?" Alex says.
The kids nod and walk away.
"Love, wake up we have to open presents!" Alex exclaims, sounding like our 5 year old princess.
I groan and mumble a no. Alex then lays on top of me and buries his face in my neck and peppering light kisses there.
"Please get up." He whines.
"Well I can't." I say, his body still on top of me.
He chuckles and gets off me. We get out of bed. I put on a Christmas onesie and a necklace with a little reindeer on it.
"Babe! I don't know what to wear!" He complains from his closet.
I walk in.
"Oh my god, you look so cozy! I just wanna cuddle."
We'll cuddle when we go downstairs. Wear this!" I say, offering him his black sweatpants and a red tee shirt.
"Okay but I need more Christmas!" He whines.
This boy is actually 5.
I hand him a pair of socks that have Christmas trees on them.
He chuckles, putting the clothes on. After getting changed and ready, we go get the kids. Then we make our way downstairs.
Sophie gasps.
She runs over to the kitchen table where we left the cookies out for Santa.
"It's all gone! He was here! Santa was here!"
Good thing I was recording, she's so cute.
"Look guys, he left a note." I say, pointing to the paper with green font.
"I'll read it." Josh offers.
"Dear Iwobi children, you all have been very very nice this year, I left a lot of presents under the tree, have a merry Christmas and a happy new year! -Santa"
Josh reads, trying to hold a smile as Sophie and Chase squeals with excitement.
"Okay, should we open presents?" Alex asks.
"Yes!" They yell.
The kids all sit on the floor near the tree, while Shawn and I cuddle on the couch near the tree.
"Who's going first?" I ask.
"Me!" They all yell.
I chuckle.
"Well, I guess we'll have to decide they way we always decide in this household, a sing off." Alex says smirking.
Yes! What's the topic?" Chase asks.
"Christmas songs of course." Alex says.
"I'll go first!" Sophie squeals.
"Rudolph the red mode reindeer had a very shiny nose.."
"Very good Soph!" Alex exclaims. She blushes and giggles.
"Okay, I'll go." Josh says.
"We wish you a merry Christmas.."
He sings. "Nice job Josh." I say.
"Ooh, my turn!" Chase says.
"Have a holly jolly Christmas.."
He finishes. "Nice Chase, but the winner is Sophie!" Alex informs.
Sophie cheers and grabs a present.
"Soph, who's it from?" I ask. "Umm.." "It's from dad." Josh helps.
"Dad." Sophie repeats. I nod and look at Alex who's smiling proudly.
Sophie tears the paper open, her jaw drops when she sees the Barbie house set she's been asking for all year.
"Oh my gosh, it's beautiful! Thank you so much daddy!" Sophie yells, running to Alex and hugging him tightly.
"Okay Chase, go." I say, motioning to his pile of gifts. He chose a fairly big one. "To Chase, love mom." Chase reads grinning at me.
"What is it?" Alex whispers. "It's that car set he's been asking for." I whisper. "Oh, he's going to be so hap-"
"Oh my god, yes! I'm speechless, thanks so much mom!" Chase says, grinning at it.
"Okay Josh." Alex says. Josh pulls out a small box. "To Josh, love mom and dad." Josh reads. He opens it and see's his iPhone.
"Oh my god, no way! This is a prank! The phone isn't actually in the box, is it?" He asks opening the box. There's a brand new iPhone in it.
"Oh my god, it's actually there! Thank you so so SO much!" Josh exclaims.

After like a billion hours of opening presents, there were a few left.
"Okay guys, why don't you go bring the stuff to your rooms and when I call you back down, we can have breakfast." Alex says clearing up the wrapping paper.
They all nod, getting their stuff and disappearing in their rooms.
"Now it's time to exchange our gifts." Alex says grabbing the gifts and putting them on the coffee table closer to us. He sits back down on the couch, getting under the blanket with me.
"Here." He says, handing me the gift.
I open it slowly. Oh my lord!
"Alex.." I say in shock.
He smiles. "I remember you saying how badly you've wanted these."
"You remember from, what, 8 years ago?" I question.
He chuckles, nodding proudly.
"I don't know what to say.." I whisper, tearing up.
He chuckles, bringing me in for a hug.
"Anything for you, love."
I out the £200 earrings on and smile.
"Okay, now to present to you." I say, getting his present.
"Holy shit!" He exclaims.
I chuckle.
"Baby! This is like, £800!" He says, admiring the very nice, expensive football boots.
"Yeah, so what?" I say.
"N-nothing. It's amazing, I love it!" He says, kissing my lips.
We smile.
"Well-oh my gosh." Alex whispers.
"What?" I question.
"Can you get the kids back down here? I have one last present." He says.
I nod, frowning as I walk upstairs.
Alex's POV
How did I forget? I go into the garage and get the gift. When I come back inside, all the kids are in the couch, waiting eagerly to see what I forgot.
"Okay, I know you guys have been asking for one of these for a while, and I got tired of the complaining so, everyone please welcome the newest addition to the Iwobi family, Muffin." I say, opening up the cage and the white puffball slowly walking out.
"Oh my god! It's so cute and fluffy!" Sophie exclaims.
They all admire the puppy as my beautiful wife walks over.
"How did you forget that there was a dog in our garage?" She asks.
"I have no clue," I chuckle, "but Merry Christmas!"


Hello! This is for thisisme525 I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for requesting.
Thank you!

Amy 💎

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