Harry Winks-I still love her

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*Caitlyn's POV"

Me and Harry have been dating for 3 months now, and being the daughter of Tottenham Hotspur's manager I've been strictly told that I couldn't have a relationship with any of the players. Even Harry doesn't know I'm the managers daughter and my dad wants our family be a secret as well so the whole team doesn't know. I'm scared to tell my dad because I know he'll be angry. "Caitlyn are you coming training today because you promised you would" Harry sweetly said to me as I admired my Tottenham jersey, I covered the name at the back with my coat so my dad doesn't see it. "Of course I wouldn't break my promise." He smiled and kissed my cheek "I think the manager really likes you because he keeps talking about you, do you know why?" I tried not to show him my shocked look so I quickly mumbled "I don't know." We have 10 minutes before training so I decided to watch TV but nothing interesting was on so I turned it off and watched YouTube instead. 10 minutes passed so we made our way to the car and set off to the training ground. I went to stand next to my dad as I watched them running and kicking the balls around. We was very silent as we both were focused on what was happening. I grew up with both my parents but ended up seeing my mum the most as dad was always away with the team so we always went to matches and I got to meet the players, that's when I met Harry and I automatically fell in love with him everything about him was and still is perfect but when my dad made me follow the dating rule I could hardly speak to him. "So Caitlyn, any love interests?" I obviously didn't want to tell him about Harry "no no one I'm still very lonely." Little did I know Harry was right behind me "what!?" By this point I had them both looking at me weirdly. I couldn't speak. "Ermm...well I" I stopped there, I wanted to run away and forget about it. "Harry this is my dad and dad this is my boyfriend." Surprisingly my dad said nothing but Harry didn't take it well "why didn't you tell me he was your dad!? You know I thought I had finally found the perfect girl but obviously not" he turned and walked around and my dad didn't want to look at me. I ran out with tears in my eyes, I wanted to rewind time and make everything better but I couldn't I had hurt my father and lost the man of my dreams.

*Harry's POV*

I can't believe I had ran away from the girl I love the most so she is probably mad at me and won't want to be with me anymore. I felt tears threatening my eyes until I could cope any longer and burst out. I regret everything and need to show Caitlyn that I still love her and change her dads mind.

*Caitlyn's POV*

I finally calmed down and saw a tall figure sit next to me. I knew who it was and laid my head on his shoulder. I love Harry to bits and I didn't want it to end it like this. "Should we sort this out with my father?" He nodded and after that we are the most loving couple and are faithful to each other.


This is for Kratzer_12 thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you so much I'm  so close to 1000 views it's unbelievable and thanks to everyone who has requested and voted for my stories. It means the absolute world.

Amy 💎

Football Imagines!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ