Erik Durm

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I have had loads of interviews this week with the Borussia Dortmund players, I only had one more left. Erik Durm he is in my opinion the hottest footballer in the world. I was getting ready for that, I put my legging on and slipped a sweater over my hair. I pick up my keys up and drive to work.
"Welcome back, I'm Joanna and I'm here with Erik Durm, welcome Erik." I say pointing over to Erik who was sat right in front of me.
"Hello Joanna, thanks for having me." He says politely.
"It's nice to see you Erik, how have you been doing lately?"
"Yeah I've been doing good. My careers going really well and I have great friends and family who have been supporting me since the start."
"I've heard that you've been a bit distracted during matches and training. Is there anything happening?"
"Yeah I just have this girl on my mind, I think I love her."
"She must be very lucky." I try saying as politely as I can, trying not to let the jealousy take over me.
"She is, and she's very beautiful too."
"That's nice, let's move on now to your career. So are you enjoying yourself at Borussia Dortmund?"
He nods his head, "yeah. Everyone here is so supportive and I never regret coming here."
"You know what they say, a happy career a happy life." I chuckle looking at him. He chuckles back and looks back at me. I look away blushing trying to carry on with the questions.

"Okay. Is there any questions you'd like to ask before we leave?"
"Yes, yes actually I do have one. It's for you."
I look up at him wondering what his questions is.
"Can I have your number?" I look at him, my eyes wide with shock, "what about the girl you love?" I ask confused.
"I'm looking at her right now." I tried to stay calm but on the inside I was bouncing like I'm on a trampoline and my hearts beating so fast I wonder if anyone can hear it. "Can I have your phone?" He nods and hands me it, I write down my number and pass his phone back.
"Thank you for watching, I'm Joanna and keep watching my interviews to see which team I'll be interviewing next. Have a nice day and goodbye." I wave at the camera as the camera man shuts it off.
"Well I guess I'll see you another day Erik." I kiss his cheek as he turns to leave.
He cheeks blush the brightest red as he smiles, "see you another day Joanna."

I grab my things and turn to leave, I wave goodbye to everyone and walk into the car park. I jump into my car and scream out of happiness. I reminisce everything that happened and my phone buzzes. It was Erik.
Hey beautiful, want to meet up tomorrow for a coffee? ❤️
I reply to his comment.
Yeah sure, I'll see you then 😘❤️
I head off home, thinking about all the good things, I love my life!

Hello. This is for eeik-girl I really hope you enjoy it. Thanks for requesting.
Amy 💎

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