Cristiano Ronaldo

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After Cris's facial injury I decided to take him out, just us two. Hopefully, it can take his mind off the injury and we can focus on each other all day. I spent the morning cooking breakfast, eggs, bacon, sausages and beans. I'm going to take them up and he can eat while I get ready.
I grab the food tray and walk quietly up the stairs towards our shared bedroom, I opened the door to see Cris sleeping peacefully I walk to the night stand and place the food down quietly. I climb on the bed and leave light kisses on his lips, his eyes flicker open and smiles when he sees me.
"Good morning beautiful." He mumbles looking into my eyes.
"Good morning." I say back kissing his lips again.
"I made you breakfast." I say reaching to the bedside table. He sits up and I hand him his the tray.
"This looks delicious, if I cooked this I'd probably burn the house down." He says chuckling while digging in to the food.
I chuckle at his comment and turn the TV on for him and walk towards our bathroom. I take a quick shower, after, I wrap myself in a towel and pick out some clothes to wear. I decide on black legging and a denim shirt. For my hair a white bow and some blue flower earrings and my black ankle boots. I blow dry my hair and pull it up in a high pony tail.
I enter the bedroom to see Cris still in bed.
"Why are you dressed?" He asks starring up and down my body.
"I'm planning on walking around with you." I say sitting down beside him.
"Ok, I might as well get ready myself then." He says getting out of bed and throwing some clothes on.

After we got ready, we walked to the garage. He spent ages trying to decide which car to pick, after half an hour of waiting for him to pick a car we drive to the centre of town. I park the car and hop out, Cris grabs my hand and we walk down the street. It was very busy and everyone stared at us while we walked, I felt awkward and uncomfortable but I don't want to ruin the day.
Random people came up to us asking questions, taking pictures and asking for autographs. Cris looked like he was enjoying it, and happily talking to everyone who approached us. Something inside me made me feel we would be here all day and my plan to spend time with him will be ruined.
As I was lost in thought, a reporter came up to me, "I guess Cris still hasn't moved on from Irina Shayk and Georgina Rodriquez. He's still found himself a gold digger. Only dating him for the fame and money, so stupid. Girls like you don't deserve a boyfriend."
I can feel tears welling in my eyes. I hate when people bring up his ex's, it makes me feel like he will one day leave me for them.
I break at the words and run away, I can hear Cris call my name, my heart was telling me to turn back and let everything get me me, but my head was telling me to go and wait till everything was finished. I tell my heart to just but out and to keep its opinions to itself, I should just listen to my head, cause it's the one who knows what's best. I listened to my advice to cause less heartbreak and pain. I run down a dark alley way and sit, my head in my hands. I sob, not hearing the footsteps walk towards me.
"It's alright princess, don't listen to them." He says soothingly, stroking my hair.
"I try to not listen, I try to block them away. They just find another way to hurt me, I can't get away from it anymore."
He doesn't reply and picks me up bridal style and carries me to the car.
When we reach the car, I get in and slouch in the passenger seat. Cris gets in and starts the engine and drives home. I stare out of the window watching the beautiful landscape, the sun setting in the distance. The views make the day dissapear, tells me that tomorrow will be a different day.
We pull up in the garage and I run to the bedroom putting on some comfy clothes, I put on a maroon jumper, grey pants and my slippers. I jump in bed and pick a film to watch, Cris comes in with chocolate and ice cream, we lay under the covers with him as the movie starts.
Halfway through, my eyes feel heavy I rest my head on his shoulders.
"Good night princess." He whispers as I drift off into a peaceful sleep.

Hello! This is for nadiaxlove thanks for requesting, I hope you enjoy it.

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