Marcos Alonso-Creativity

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It is getting nearer to the time where I have to tell Marcos that I'm pregnant. I've been worried to tell him because I don't want to slow his career down as he is doing so well and I think a baby will drag him down a little as he wont be able to carry on with training and do matches all the time. I've known for 5 days and he's not been home so I've had a long time to plan it and hopefully it goes well.

*2 days later*

Marcos is coming home today and I've got everything set up with some help from my friends. I decided to cook his favourite meal as well for the surprise before.
I had just finished setting up the table when I heard the door open.
"Babe I'm home" Marcos shouted from the doorway
"I'm in the kitchen" I replied shouting back
I heard footsteps getting nearer and was greeted by my very sweaty husband.
"Go take a shower, we can then eat then I have a surprise for you"
He nodded and went upstairs. He soon came back smelling much cleaner then he did so we sat down and ate the food.
After food I dragged him to the front room and told him he had to work out the puzzle.
"It will tell you what your surprise is"
He sat down and got the pieces out and read the first question.
"Where did we first meet? That's easy at your home town" he searched through the pieces and place the letter down on the board.
"What was the most happiest down of our life? Easy again our wedding" he did the same and he looked at the last question with confusion.
"Our due date is in?"He though really hard and tried to make a word out of the remaining letters "November?"
I handed him a bag which had the answers and he took at a piece of paper "you are doing to be a daddy"
His face lit up when I handed him the pregnancy test and he picked me up and pulled me into a hug.
"I'm going to be a dad?"
"No just a dad a great dad"


This is for michybatshuayi- thanks for requesting and I hope you like it. I don't know if this is creative enough but I still tried. Thank you for reading my stories.
Request are still open and if you've requested already you can still request again.
Thank you!

Amy 💎

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