Aaron Ramsey

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I'm currently with my brother Jack at his teammates house. Me and Jack have been friends with Aaron ever since we were kids. What they both don't know is that I have a massive crush on Aaron. I've been scared to tell him because I don't want to loose my brother and my crush. Jack has always been the overprotective brother since our parents died it can sometimes be very annoying but I'm grateful he is here otherwise I'd be alone.
"What do you guys want to do?" Aaron asked bored out of his mind.
"Let's  watch a movie" Jack suggested.
"Well you two choose a movie and I'll get the food" I said while standing up and heading to the kitchen.

I got the popcorn, fizzy drinks, and chocolate ready. As I was about to walk out Aaron came and shut the door.
"What are you doing?" I asked with a curious expression.
"I was wondering if you could come tomorrow to watch the match then I can tell you something very important?"
"Ok, but don't I need a ticket?" I ask while trying to figure out how I'd get in without one.
"No I'll tell them to let you in and guide you to your seat."
"Ok" I say casually while inside I was jumping for joy. My first time going to an Arsenal match.

*The next day*
It's finally the day! I jump out of bed and run to take a quick shower. When I get out I wrap my hair in a towel and apply a natural make up look. After that, I blow dry my hair and curl it. When I was happy with the final result I throw on my Wilshere jersey on with a dark pair of jeans and converse shoes. I grab my phone and make my way to my car. I play my favourite songs and sing rather loudly and badly not caring if people in other cars were watching.
I park in a available parking spot, paid and make my way to security. "Ellie Wilshere?" The ticket man asks so I nod my head. "Ok just follow him to your seat feel free to explore the VIP section. I thank the kind man and make way to my seat. I sit for about 5 minutes bored so I go backstage. I walked into a room and saw Arsène Wenger talking about Aaron so I decided to listen.
"I've always had a great belief in Aaron because I always thought that with the time and him maturing, he would be more efficient in front of the goal. When you watch the tapes of the games again, you see that he is there in the box, ready to score. He's more composed, and calmer in front of the keeper in the box and, when we dominate the game well, he's always the one who can deliver something special on the front."
I smile at his words, I know Aaron really loves his job so to get that comment is unbelievable and really good.
I walk back to my seat and take time to take in my surroundings, "wow" I mutter under my breath. I walk to my seat and watch as people come and fill up the stadium.

*After the match*
They won! I jump up out of my seat and cheer with the other thanks as the players celebrate. I stay until the stadium is empty and make my way to the changing rooms congratulating them as they walked out. Aaron walks out but before he walked past me I grabbed his arm "did you need to tell me something?" I ask while thinking about what he said yesterday in the kitchen. He takes a deep breath "I've been afraid to tell you this ever since we were children because I knew how Jack wouldn't approve but I've been madly in love with you and I've always been trying to hide my feelings when he said you couldn't date his teammates, I've hated it every time you had a boyfriend or when you said you liked someone because I knew one day you'd be with someone else really happy and I'd be on my own not being able to tell you how I really felt but I love you so much, I'll understand if you walk away or not talk to me but I thought I'd tell you before it's too late."
When he said these words I couldn't speak he's been feeling the same way I have.
"Is that true Aaron?" We turn to look at the voice and it was Jack. Aaron nodded. "Well Aaron I'm a man of my words and if I said I won't let her date teammates them I'm sorry but she can't." I can see that we have the same expression on our face.


This is for Ellieisa5sos I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for requesting.
Thank you!

Amy 💎

Football Imagines!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora