Erik Durm

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*Erik's POV*
I stood in front of my work as I waited to cross the street. I was Christmas and had just gave my teammates their presents which felt really good, and I had to hurry to my parents house for Christmas dinner. The sun was starting to set as it got even colder along with the snow falling from the sky. I ran across the street to the parking lot after the coast was clear. But then I noticed something.
A girl, my age I would assume, sitting under one of the parking garages' roof. I looked to my car that was on the left, then to the girl on my right. I glanced at my watch. I wasn't too late. I saw her sitting there in a hoodie with a blanket wrapped around her, holding a book. She didn't look like she belonged here. I walked over. She glanced up with her (Y/E/C) eyes. She scooted back. Afraid.
"Hi. Merry Christmas," I smiled.

*Your POV*
I looked confused at the guy. Why was he talking to me. I closed my book that I stole from the library. This was my favourite book. And it was the only thing I have ever stolen.
"You look like you're cold. Would you like a jacket?" He asked. I shook my head. What is he doing? "Well it's Christmas.  No one deserves to be in the cold alone." Well of course no one does but for two years this has been my life. Cold and alone.... I didn't reply. He just stood and thought for a second. Then spoke again. "Do you have a home?" He asked.
"Why are you here?" I asked lightly.
"Because. I am not stupid. I can tell you probably don't have a home or family to go to. When was the last time you ate? Be honest."
"Couple of days," I grimaced, humiliated at myself.
"Now it's Christmas. It's about spreading joy. Why don't you come to my moms house. We're having a big dinner and playing games. It will be fun," he said.
"What's your name?"
"Erik, you?"
"You have a pretty name," I blushed at his comment.
"Thank you."
"Now come on. I'm a footballer not a murderer." He smiled. It wasn't creepy like in movies or conceded. It was pure. True happiness. I debated my options.
Then I followed him.

His house was big. At least the biggest one I have ever been in. I started to get self conscious. I couldn't change so I was still in my hoodie and jeans, which thankfully got cleaned so they didn't look too bad. My hair was a mess though. Erik had a comb in his car for some reason though so I fixed myself up. We walked in to be met by his big family. This was weird. I have never done this before. My parents weren't the best ones. And we didn't have enough money for Christmas most the time. And well now they are both gone.
"Hello Erik. Who is this?" A woman asked, she was really pretty.
"Mom. This is my friend Y/N. I decided to bring her to Christmas with us," he sounded so casual. Like I was not a hobo off the street.
"Hello Y/N. Nice to meet you. I'm Christine Durm and this is Thomas Durm."
"Nice to meet you. You are really pretty," I smiled.
"Thank you. She is a keeper Erik," she winked. His cheeks turned red fast and I let out a chuckle. I like his family. I like this. I used to hate Christmas. Simply because I never got this. There was a whole family sitting around the table. Turkey and other food was spread out around the table. I was at awe. And jealous. Should I be jealous? I never got this as a kid. Never. I watched movies where people got there. But this was different. This is my first time at Christmas and I don't even know any of these people. Erik pulled out a chair for me and I sat. They all kind of glanced at me weirdly. Mainly because they never have heard of me before tonight. I have shook hands and greeted them all. But I was the random friend. I was the random homeless girl to Erik. I had a good talk to his mom. It didn't matter though as she would never see me again. We sat and ate.
Oh my god I have never ate such a good meal.
I swear this night got better and better. But it got worse and worse because I realised I don't have this and I won't again.

We all sat around the tree as gift exchanges came around. I sat and watched smiling at the beautiful occasion. This was amazing. That's when something was put into my lap. I looked down. A box in wrapping paper with Y/N written. I cocked my head to the side and looked at Erik.
"What's this?"
"You came to dinner but Erik never told us you were coming. We couldn't let you not have a present though! So I had Erik hurry to the store real quick." Christine beamed happily. I smiled. When did Erik ever leave? I must have been to busy socialising and never noticed. I glanced at Erik who gave me a warm smile. My heart felt so warm. My stomach has butterflies. I felt loved. A feeling I haven't had in a while. Erik told me to open it and I did.
It was beautiful.
It was a necklace that had a heart with red crystals inside.
It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I felt tears gather in my eyes.
"It's amazing. Thank you I-I love it," I gasped. I turned and hugged Erik super tight as everyone clapped. I started to cry. Erik broke the hug and looked at me.
"You deserve it you are a amazing girl." He whispered causing me to smile.
"Mistletoe!" Me and Erik looked up to see Thomas holding up a mistletoe smirking. I laughed and so did Erik. He looked at me. Wait really?
"Wait you do?"
"Well yeah. Why wouldn't I take this time to kiss a gorgeous lady," he said charmingly.
"Then why aren't you?" I grinned and then we kissed.
And we were together forever. And I never got rid of the necklace or the memory.


Hello! I decided to write a Erik Durm one because he is the cutest person ever! 😍😍 Christmas requests are still open and even if you have already requested then you can do it again or however many times you like. If you do, make sure you change up the footballer so I'm not writing about the same person all the time.
To request all you have to do is-
-Say the footballer.
-Your name.
-The plot
-Any other extra information
And I will try write it as soon as I can to a suitable enough standard.
If you don't like it then make sure to tell me and next time you request I'll know not to add a certain part or plot in.
Also, I've realised I now have 300 votes. Wow! Thank you so much, I'm grateful and appreciative. It's like an early Christmas present.
Thank you for your kindness!

Amy 💎

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