Maximilian Philipp-Jealousy

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"Maleen, wake up!" I was awoken from my peaceful slumber by my boyfriend of 3 years. "What?" I replied in an annoyed tone, I hated mornings and I hated getting up out of bed. "We're going to Dortmund!"
"I know, please 5 more minutes" I begged with my puppy dog eyes. "Nope get up and get dressed and I'll make breakfast" he threw the covers off me before rushing downstairs. I got up and took a shower singing my favourite song really loud. After that I got dressed and did my makeup then went downstairs. The food was all laid out on the table so I sat down and ate while talking with Max.

After eating we got into the car and drove to the airport. When we got through security and everything was checked we made out way through the the shops buying little pieces we need to kill time until it was time to board the plane.
We got sat down in our seats and both drifted off to sleep.

*skip plane journey*

"Babe wake up we're here"
I squinted my eyes open as the sun was in my eyes. I looked at Max and he looked so handsome when the sun shone on him.
"Ok are we going to go to the hotel after this?"
"Yes if you want to training doesn't start till tomorrow" he held my hand and walked to collect our bags and jumped into a taxi.
As soon as we got to the hotel I put some comfy clothes on and went into bed with my Max.

*The next day at the training grounds*

I was greeted by loads of the players and the coach, I was really happy because I thought they wouldn't like me.
"Hello Maleen I'm Erik It's nice to finally put a beautiful face to a name, where are you from hot stuff?"
(C/N means country name)
"I'm from C/N"
He smiled at me which made me feel awkward "oh so I see where you get your good lucks from"
Suddenly I see Max behind me and he doesn't look happy.
"Hey what do you think your doing, trying to flirt with my girlfriend!?"
"Max don't worry he wasn't"
He gave him a death stare "whatever, Maleen we're going back to the hotel"
He stormed of "I'm sorry about him"
"No, it's alright I shouldn't have done it"
I'm glad that he was alright so we said our goodbye and I walked out of the training grounds.
"What took you so long"
I was mad at him so I ignored his questions and got into the car. The rest of the drive was silent and it was still the same when we got to the hotel room. "Come on Maleen I'm sorry I dint mean to over react I just didn't want to lose you"
I turned to face him "I know it's alright but you had no right to do that"
"Do you forgive me?"
I hugged him tightly "how could I not"


Thank you VamosBarcelona for suggesting this as I was running out of ideas. I'm glad you're enjoying my story's.

Amy 💎

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