Fernando Torres

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Things have been very hectic lately for us. Fernando and I are very excited to find out we were expecting another baby. This will be a really fun early Christmas present for our sons Lucas and Alex. They're only two so I hoping they will have an understanding of what we tell them. Since Fernando's football career is still growing strong he's been busy with interviews and training or in other countries playing matches. Meanwhile I have been trying to get ready for the new baby without our sons finding out because Fernando and I wanted to tell them once I was at a further stage in pregnancy when we knew there was lower chances of losing the baby.
Today I finally got Fernando to take a break from working so we can tell Lucas and Alex about their new baby sibling.
"Lucas, Alex sweetie, will you please come sit on the couch, Mommy and Daddy have something very special to tell you" I say. They did as they were told and and sat on the middle of the cushion with Fernando and I sat either side of them in our festive living room we had put up together. "Ok we wanted to tell you that Mommy has a baby in her tummy" I say. They look back and forth between us and their eyes started watering with tears. "B-But that means you and daddy won't love us anymore" Alex whimpers while Lucas hugs him. "Of course we will don't you worry Mommy and Daddy will love you all equally." Fernando say as they both sit on his lap. "Ok that doesn't sound so bad" Lucas says happily. "Mommy, Daddy kisses please" they say squealing with delight. We both giggle at their cuteness and kiss both of their cheeks. "Kisses for the baby too" Fernando says leaning down and kissing my large baby bump. "Me too!" They squeal before reaching up trying to get a hold of my bump to give it a kiss. Fernando notices them having trouble so he runs over and lifts them up so they can kiss my growing baby bump.
Then I come up with an idea.
"Hey how about we have family time just the four of us today and we can do something fun?" I suggest not wanting Lucas and Alex to feel left out and so we can do one last thing fun thing before we have to start preparing for the baby.
"Laura" Fernando says pulling me aside, "I can't I have tons of things to do for the match next week."
"Please just for today we need to show them that we love them and that we're going to pay attention to them still when we have the baby, please we need family time, family time is special time" I say tearing up. Dang these hormones.
"Ok baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry, how about we watch their favourite Christmas movie. After all it is Christmas Eve he suggest. Satisfied with that idea I go grab their favourite movie 'The Polar Express' and 'Elf'. I make some popcorn. Once everything is finished we sit by the fireplace and watch the movie.

Once the movies were finished they both fell asleep on our chests. We carried them into bed and tucked them in.
"Now that was family time" I say to him smiling at my perfect family holding my baby bump.


This is for edenxhazard- I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for requesting.

Amy 💎

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